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Alexander Hall | February 2, 2022

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) torched the news media for being a “source of misinformation” as senators discussed a proposal to allow news outlets to coordinate ad negotiations with Big Tech. MRC Vice President of Free Speech America and Business Dan…

Jeffrey Clark | February 2, 2022

The New York Times seems to have fessed up to the elephant in the room. As inflation rises, President Joe Biden’s economic policies are not working for workers.

Reporter Noam Scheiber at The New York Times wrote in a Feb. 1 article that…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 2, 2022

It’s Episode Twenty-Three of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how when Big Tech censors the speech of prominent figures, they’re censoring you, too.

Big Tech is controlled by the left which causes…

Alexander Hall | February 2, 2022

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called on music and podcast streaming platform Spotify to tighten its grip on speech to stop so-called “misinformation.” It’s a culture-war tactic often used by the left: Accept some subservience by others to…

Joseph Vazquez | February 2, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks committed one of the most egregious acts of news censorship by ignoring the U.S. debt topping $30 trillion for the first time ever.

The U.S. Treasury Department released data on Tuesday showing that…

Catherine Salgado | February 2, 2022

Self-appointed online “credibility” arbiter NewsGuard rates several U.S. media outlets as less reliable than several Chinese Communist Party-controlled state media outlets.

Media in China is almost entirely under the control of the ruling…

Jeffrey Clark | February 1, 2022

The left-wing orthodoxy has spoken: Podcast host Joe Rogan must be banished from society. Rolling Stone slammed Rogan and clinical psychologist and University of Toronto professor emeritus Dr. Jordan Peterson in a self-righteous hit piece. Rogan…

Catherine Salgado | February 1, 2022

The debate over the bipartisan antitrust American Innovation and Choice Online Act just took a new direction, as censorship advocates indicated that one provision could protect the free speech of Big Tech-alternative platforms.


Joseph Vazquez | February 1, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros is back to his old tricks, trying to use gigantic cash flows to influence the outcome of U.S. elections. The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are sweeping it under the rug.

Soros is seeding his…

NB Staff | February 1, 2022

The leftist ratings firm NewsGuard criticized a Media Research Center study of the site’s ratings, calling it “fundamentally flawed.” 

NewsGuard General Manager Matt Skibinski’s letter made multiple inaccurate claims about the study…

Catherine Salgado | January 31, 2022

Leftists called on Spotify to ban popular podcast host Joe Rogan over alleged COVID-19 “misinformation.” Rogan has interviewed doctors on his show who dissent from the left’s COVID-19 narratives.

Rogan’s enormously popular podcast “The…

Alexander Hall | January 31, 2022

World-famous podcaster Joe Rogan stirred up controversy with Cancel Culture mobs by interviewing medical professionals who questioned shifting narratives of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, rocker Neil Young pulled his music from Spotify in…

Jeffrey Clark | January 31, 2022

The Washington Post championed a report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis showing a 5.7 percent increase in gross domestic product (GDP) last year as the “latest snapshot of a resilient recovery” in President Joe Biden’s economy. 

Brian Bradley | January 31, 2022

The “Big Four” tech companies – Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple – spent more than $55 million lobbying the federal government in 2021 to stave off antitrust legislation. That’s a $21 million increase over 2020, according to Politico Morning…

Autumn Johnson | January 30, 2022

Spotify has faced more criticism for its decision to keep Joe Rogan’s podcast on the platform. Last week, artist Neil Young challenged the music streaming platform to remove the podcast or remove his music. Spotify removed his music.


Autumn Johnson | January 30, 2022

An updated bill in Washington state has some worried that candidates could be jailed for political speech.

According to The Seattle Times, the bill specifically limited the speech of candidates for public office to make it a crime to “…

Autumn Johnson | January 30, 2022

Bongino Report no longer has a Google AdSense account and reports are conflicted as to why.

Bongino Report said it “permanently banned” Google Ads from its website after Google removed its ads from

“Breaking: We have…

Autumn Johnson | January 29, 2022

Twitter claims it stopped taking action against “lies” about the 2020 election.

The platform said it ceased to monitor these tweets in March of 2021. According to CNN, the company originally used its “civic integrity policy,” but said it…

Catherine Salgado | January 28, 2022

The leaders of media platform Substack responded to leftist censorship pressure with a strong defense of free speech. “I wouldn’t want someone to pick out my clothes for me, much less my ideas,” Substack executive Lulu Cheng Meservey said.

Jeffrey Clark | January 28, 2022

Soros money is like air — it’s everywhere, even if you don’t see it. A shocking report from the Capital Research Center uncovered at least “29 million in funding” that helped elect 23 leftist district attorneys across the country.
