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Autumn Johnson | January 22, 2022

YouTube reportedly classified a recent sermon from evangelical pastor John MacArthur as “hate speech.”

CBN News reported that MacArthur was preaching on biblical sexuality to protest a Canadian law that some worry would ban the teaching…

Alexander Hall | January 21, 2022

Gab founder/CEO Andrew Torba proclaimed the essential role of cryptocurrency in the struggle for free speech during his appearance on the Timcast IRL podcast.

Torba suggested “the best way” to create an alternative economy for free…

Catherine Salgado | January 21, 2022

Google reportedly increased its U.S. lobbying spending by 27 percent in 2021, as lawmakers began a push to enact new tech legislation to regulate the industry.

Google, which is owned by Alphabet Inc., increased its lobbying expenditures,…

Patrick Goodenough | January 21, 2022

A threat by Facebook to permanently shut down the account of the head of a leading Geneva-based non-governmental group prompted an outcry this week – and the tech giant reversed an earlier decision to take down a post for allegedly violating its…

Autumn Johnson | January 21, 2022

Twitter temporarily suspended a congressional candidate in Washington for his tweet in support of the Second Amendment.

Joe Kent is a retired Green Beret and is running for Congress in Washington’s 3rd congressional district.


Brian Bradley | January 20, 2022

Facebook and Twitter are doing nothing to curb flagrant disinformation spouted by President Joe Biden. During his press conference yesterday, Biden falsely claimed conservatives are already manipulating the 2022 midterm elections.


Catherine Salgado | January 20, 2022

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that Big Tech censorship is the “single greatest threat” to “free speech” and “fair elections” in America. Cruz also called for legislation specifically targeting Big Tech’s biased…

Joseph Vazquez | January 20, 2022

CNN tried to normalize the communist idea of the government controlling the prices of food and gas as a way to combat inflation. The idea was so bonkers, CNN even admitted that economists have largely panned the suggestion.


Jeffrey Clark | January 20, 2022

New Yorker Staff Writer David Owen took a nosedive into eco-extremism. He argued that the refrigerator has become — wait for it — “an agent of climate catastrophe.”

Owen pontificated in a blog headlined, “How the Refrigerator Became an…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 20, 2022

YouTube “terminated” the Reintegrative Therapy Association’s channel for alleged “hate speech,” accusing the group of pushing “conversion therapy.”

The Reintegrative Therapy Association (RTA) specializes in “established, evidence-based…

Autumn Johnson | January 19, 2022

CNN has hired ex-NBA player, and prolific misinformer Rex Chapman to host a weekly show on CNN+, its subscription streaming service.

CNN announced the decision in a tweet:

“Here’s something worthy of a @RexChapman retweet: @…

Catherine Salgado | January 19, 2022

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer decides what bills come up for a Senate vote. But with Schumer’s daughters employed by Facebook and Amazon, antitrust legislation may go the way of President Joe Biden’s popularity: down into oblivion.

Alexander Hall | January 19, 2022

YouTube appears to have censored an interview between a British YouTube channel and Dr. Peter McCullough before it was even published. Censors now appear to nix videos before they are even published. “YouTube have banned my podcast with @…

Joseph Vazquez | January 19, 2022

A leftist group funded by billionaire George Soros secured a massive government contract to help illegal immigrants avoid being deported.

The Vera Institute of Justice (VIJ), which “views immigration enforcement agencies as a ‘threat’ to…

Brian Bradley | January 19, 2022

The Media Research Center today launched a new initiative to stop Big Tech’s election interference. The MRC sent a letter to congressional staff to collect a comprehensive report of lawmakers censored by Big Tech.

MRC Free Speech America…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | January 19, 2022

It’s Episode Twenty-One of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how Big Tech silenced Fox News host Dan Bongino for voicing his thoughts.

YouTube suspended Bongino from posting videos for one week…

Alexander Hall | January 18, 2022

A lawsuit filed by 16 states and one territory alleged Google and Facebook negotiated an underhanded agreement to rig online advertising in their favor.

The most powerful companies in history have allegedly colluded to rig the internet in…

Catherine Salgado | January 18, 2022

The new Tech Oversight Project reportedly aims to pressure lawmakers to pass competition regulation for tech companies. The project is funded by liberal billionaire Pierre Omidyar and Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, however, and headed by a “…

Joseph Vazquez | January 18, 2022

An international network of so-called “fact-checking” organizations funded by massive liberal organizations called on YouTube to censor more content the network disagrees with.

The leftist International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), a…

Joseph Vazquez | January 17, 2022

CNN’s Reliable Sources anchor Brian Stelter slobbered over the leftist website ratings firm NewsGuard as some sort of paragon of journalistic virtue. 

Stelter fawned in a Jan. 16 blog how NewsGuard announced that its business was “…