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Joseph Vazquez | April 13, 2022

Clinton stooge Robert Reich seemed to forget the meaning of the word “contradiction” while attacking the world’s richest man’s libertarian views on the internet.

The former Secretary of Labor scaremongered to his readers how Tesla…

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The Rev. Al Sharpton targeted the liberal elite in a fiery anti-woke sermon on inflation.

Sharpton pummeled woke elitists during his appearance on the April 11 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The topic was the Democratic outlook for the…

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The NBC, CBS and ABC morning news shows largely ignored a new inflation report that showed inflation raging at 8.5 percent. That was the highest increase since 1981 — the same year Raiders of the Lost Ark hit the box office.

The Bureau of…

Catherine Salgado | April 12, 2022

“I am close to a First Amendment absolutist,” former President Barack Obama said last week, even as he called misinformation potentially “fatal” and suggested “modifications” to online anonymity. 

The Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey…

Joseph Vazquez | April 12, 2022

A leftist magazine co-founded by former President Bill Clinton's Secretary of Labor Robert Reich urged the federal government to seize control of the fossil fuel industry. Because … climate change.

The American Prospect, of which…

Alexander Hall | April 11, 2022

In a major reversal, Elon Musk rejected a seat on Twitter’s board of directors. The move caused some people to theorize that Musk may have a completely different strategy for reforming the company, one that doesn’t involve the company’s board.…

Autumn Johnson | April 11, 2022

A social media platform allegedly censored an Air Force veteran for her posts on student loan debt.

Gretchen Smith is an Air Force veteran and founded Code of Vets, a nonprofit she created to honor her father who died at age 57 after…

Autumn Johnson | April 11, 2022

Twitter suspended Juanita Broaddrick after she questioned the effectiveness of the vaccines for COVID-19. Broaddrick accused former President Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978.

She stated on Twitter that pharmaceutical companies made…

Joseph Vazquez | April 11, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk declined a seat on Twitter’s board of directors after becoming the platform’s largest shareholder with a massive 9.2 percent stake. But this move could end up signifying an even greater play by Musk to seize control of the…

Autumn Johnson | April 10, 2022

In an op-ed published Friday in The Washington Post, former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao slammed Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s investment in Twitter and, to put it mildly, his support and vision for free speech. Put simply, she called for…

Autumn Johnson | April 9, 2022

A podcast host with The New York Times insisted that Twitter doesn’t censor people.

Kara Swisher, who hosts the publication’s “Sway” podcast, was a guest on MSNBC’s Morning Joe where she discussed content moderation.

Fox News…

Jeffrey Clark | April 8, 2022

The director of former President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council landed some solid punches and dished out some harsh warnings for the Federal Reserve in a recent Washington Post op-ed.  

Lawrence Summers took the…

Catherine Salgado | April 8, 2022

Pinterest is full of hot air and looking to chill free speech. The digital platform has announced new restrictions against alleged climate “misinformation,” after partnering with openly biased, pro-censorship organizations. A Pinterest…

Craig Bannister | April 8, 2022

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk joining Twitter’s board of directors and buying a 9.2% stake in the behemoth social media is a victory for freedom of speech, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says.

Tuesday, in an appearance on America Reports,…

Autumn Johnson | April 7, 2022

Seth Dillon, CEO of The Babylon Bee, explained why the satire site’s account was still locked. Twitter locked the account after The Bee posted that Rachel Levine was the site’s “Man of the Year.” Levine is a biological male that is being…

Jeffrey Clark | April 7, 2022

Bill Nye the Science Guy went from pushing climate change to helping sell more Cokes for possibly the largest plastic polluter in the world, Coca-Cola.

If there were a greenwashing awards show, Bill Nye would be its host and Coca-Cola…

To block or not to block—Twitter has already answered that question. Twitter’s “Safety Mode” “autoblock” feature prevented users not only from commenting on a politician’s tweets, but even from seeing those tweets—specifically, for the @…

Joseph Vazquez | April 7, 2022

It seems like terrible public relations for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to publicly refer to himself as the Dark Lord of Mordor while running one of the internet’s largest censorship operations.

Zuckerberg joined The Tim Ferriss Show on…

Craig Bannister | April 6, 2022

It’s amazing how the narrative of media, Big Tech and Democrats on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal has changed, now that even biased, left-wing media are admitting the truth about it, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Tuesday at a House Judiciary…

Jeffrey Clark | April 6, 2022

Washington Post opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin absurdly claimed that “Biden’s economic record is extraordinary, but it is marred by inflation.” That’s like pretending an athlete is healthy except for the fact that they’re “marred” by a torn ACL…