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Autumn Johnson | April 17, 2022

A journalist who contributed to Daily Pakistan called for the genocide of Jews on Twitter. In a since-deleted tweet, journalist Mian Dawood said that “Jews are the real threat to humanity on Earth.”

Dawood included several hashtags and…

Autumn Johnson | April 17, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security reportedly investigated how TikTok handled material that detailed the sexual abuse of children. The Financial Times reported that the Department of Justice also reviewed how a privacy feature on the platform…

Autumn Johnson | April 16, 2022

Twitter suspended the popular account again just hours after it was reinstated. The account posts videos of radical liberals on TikTok on its Twitter page. Twitter suspended the account again for “abuse and harassment.”


Autumn Johnson | April 15, 2022

Twitter chose to implement a “poison pill” method in response to Elon Musk’s offer to buy the platform and make it private for $43 billion.

The platform’s board of directors issued a new “shareholder rights plan” in an effort to thwart…

Alexander Hall | April 15, 2022

The world’s richest man has a few tricks up his sleeve should Twitter’s board of directors reject his $43 billion offer to buy the company.

Elon Musk says he has a backup plan for taking over Twitter. Musk spoke with Head of TED…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 15, 2022

Twitter dealt harsher penalties to conservative U.S. political leaders and investigative news outlets than it does to Russian war propaganda. So, Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) and six other House Republicans wrote a letter to Twitter demanding the…

Joseph Vazquez | April 15, 2022

A left-wing outlet funded by liberal billionaire George Soros whined that the world’s richest man’s plan to purchase Twitter was a threat to democracy.

Free Press released a statement April 14 headlined, “Musk's Attempted Takeover of…

Catherine Salgado | April 15, 2022

Democrats recently released plans to fight “Online Misinformation” that featured a blueprint for online censorship. Congressional Democrats, however, have sponsored or co-sponsored at least 18 Big Tech bills with Republicans. That combination…

Jeffrey Clark | April 14, 2022

Some of the most powerful media outlets and figures in America are upset about Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter. 

Musk shocked Twitter with a $43 billion cash offer to buy out the company. He shared a letter he wrote to…

Catherine Salgado | April 14, 2022

Conservative lawmakers were optimistic about billionaire Elon Musk’s offer to purchase Twitter for $43 billion. The legislators slammed Twitter’s censorship in exclusive comments to MRC Free Speech America.

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and…

Alexander Hall | April 14, 2022

Talk show host Bill Maher and podcast legend Joe Rogan slammed the alliance of Big Tech and Cancel Culture for silencing debate about COVID-19.

Maher slammed the increasing popularity of “cancel culture and intimidating people, and…

Dan Gainor, Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2022

It was the stock buyout heard ‘round the world. Tesla owner Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter could save the whole concept of online free speech and alter politics and elections globally for years to come. 

Musk’s move might be the…

Autumn Johnson | April 14, 2022

Twitter suspended a popular account that exposed radical liberals on TikTok.

The Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon reported that Twitter suspended Libs of TikTok for violating the platform’s rules against “hateful conduct.” “Twitter just…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2022

The world’s richest man is officially launching his bid for a hostile takeover of one of the most censorship-obsessed Big Tech platforms in the country!

Bloomberg News reported Thursday morning that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is “saying the…

Autumn Johnson | April 13, 2022

Rumble doubled down on its decision to allow RT to post on the platform.

According to the Washington Examiner, YouTube previously banned RT at the beginning of March, when the Russian-owned news organization had over 4.5 million followers…

Jeffrey Clark | April 13, 2022

The same economist who admitted he got “inflation” wrong claimed the economy is thriving under President Joe Biden. At this point, flipping a coin is probably more accurate at predicting the future than New York Times columnist Paul Krugman…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | April 13, 2022

It’s Episode 33 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we’re talking about how the professional networking site LinkedIn censored an Air Force veteran’s testimony of hard work and perseverance. 

Gretchen Smith is an Air Force veteran who…

Joseph Vazquez | April 13, 2022

Clinton stooge Robert Reich seemed to forget the meaning of the word “contradiction” while attacking the world’s richest man’s libertarian views on the internet.

The former Secretary of Labor scaremongered to his readers how Tesla…

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The Rev. Al Sharpton targeted the liberal elite in a fiery anti-woke sermon on inflation.

Sharpton pummeled woke elitists during his appearance on the April 11 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The topic was the Democratic outlook for the…

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The NBC, CBS and ABC morning news shows largely ignored a new inflation report that showed inflation raging at 8.5 percent. That was the highest increase since 1981 — the same year Raiders of the Lost Ark hit the box office.

The Bureau of…