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Alexander Hall | April 21, 2022

Billionaire and free speech defender Elon Musk reportedly secured a massive fortune in commitments from investment groups to buy Twitter from its liberal leadership, a new twist in Musk’s hostile takeover bid. The Twitter board may now have 46.5…

Joseph Vazquez | April 21, 2022

The newspaper owned by the second richest man in the world actually claimed that the Internal Revenue Service needs— wait for it — more money.

The Washington Post Editorial Board published an extraordinarily tone-deaf piece the day before…

Big Tech’s campaign to protect President Joe Biden and his agenda has continued unabated. The Media Research Center found more than 640 examples of bans, deleted content and other speech restrictions placed on those who criticized Biden on social…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2022

Media Research Center Vice President of Free Speech America & Business Dan Gainor teased a soon-to-be-published MRC study proving Big Tech’s obsession with protecting President Joe Biden. Big Tech’s response was to censor people who…

Catherine Salgado | April 20, 2022

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey slammed the “dysfunction” of Twitter’s board. Dorsey’s cryptic comment follows a storm of controversy about Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter.

As controversy continues to build around tech…

Jeffrey Clark | April 20, 2022

TIME senior correspondent Justin Worland proclaimed the dawn of a “green transition” for believers in climate change. But Worland admitted the left’s extreme green vision will be an existential threat for many blue-collar workers.

Alexander Hall | April 20, 2022

Billionaire and free speech defender Elon Musk is reportedly forming a coalition to acquire Twitter in the name of free speech.

The battle has only just begun. “Elon Musk is speaking to investors who could partner with him on a bid for…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | April 20, 2022

It’s Episode 34 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how Big Tech is hiding the truth about the biggest tragedy our world faces today — abortion. 

WARNING: Graphic Images 

A group of pro-life activists…

Craig Bannister | April 20, 2022

“This is why Big Tech needs big changes,” House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said Tuesday, citing Twitter’s hypocritical censorship practices.

Scalise called out Twitter by posting a tweet:

Let me get this straight:…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2022

The leftist newspaper owned by the second richest man in the world is obsessed with smearing his main competitor’s $43 billion Twitter takeover bid. It was willing to spend over 17,000 words to do it.

An MRC Business study of The…

Brian Bradley | April 20, 2022

Twitter and Facebook worked in lockstep to restrict the flow of the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 presidential election. These platforms stifled the spread of that story at the same time that Big Media did, as MRC research found…

Autumn Johnson | April 19, 2022

Sen. Ted Cruz said Elon Musk’s battle with Twitter is one of the most important battles for free speech in decades. Musk offered to buy Twitter for $43 billion dollars.

In response, Twitter implemented a “poison pill” strategy in an…

Alexander Hall | April 19, 2022

Washington Post tech reporter Taylor Lorenz released an article sharing the personal info of the creator behind the popular Libs Of Tik Tok Twitter account in a Post report. The internet wrecked her for it.

Political commentators across…

Joseph Vazquez | April 19, 2022

The hypocrisy of Facebook’s fact-checking partners knows no bounds. In an act of discrimination against the Media Research Center, a Meta platform fact-checking partner threw a fit after MRC’s video division, MRCTV, dared to write about a video…

Autumn Johnson | April 18, 2022

Elon Musk said in a tweet that Twitter’s board would not be paid if he bought it. “Board salary will be $0 if my bid succeeds, so that’s ~$3M/year saved right there,” he tweeted. The comments came after Musk said that Twitter would be nothing…

Catherine Salgado | April 18, 2022

The U.S. government targeted undercover journalism outfit Project Veritas, including through secret orders to Apple, Google and Microsoft, Reclaim The Net reported.

Reclaim The Net shared several different documents that reportedly reveal…

Jeffrey Clark | April 18, 2022

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary smacked the censor czars at Twitter for their abysmal performance, defended Elon Musk’s bid for owning the platform and stood up for free speech — all in under five minutes.

O’Leary slammed Big Tech…

Jeffrey Clark | April 18, 2022

Washington Post columnist Max Boot freaked out over the world’s richest man potentially buying Twitter. The reason? A buy out might hurt his dream to increase censorship on the platform.

Boot had a complete meltdown in an April 14 op…

Autumn Johnson | April 17, 2022

Elon Musk said that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has too much power over the platform. Business Insider on Friday reported that Musk, the richest man in the world, was asked if his influence was a conflict of interest for his offer to buy Twitter for…

Autumn Johnson | April 17, 2022

The former CEO of Reddit said in an interview that Elon Musk had no idea what he was in for when he offered to buy Twitter.Yishan Wong said that Musk was “in for a world of pain” if he bought Twitter and that “he has no idea.”
