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Alexander Hall | March 30, 2022

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) called for unity among free speech advocates during a podcast by The Daily Signal. During the interview, she said that the GOP should be ready on “day one” with conservative reforms to protect free speech and…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | March 30, 2022

It’s Episode 31 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how YouTube took down two days’ worth of videos from the February 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).  

YouTube’s About page states,”Our mission…

Autumn Johnson | March 30, 2022

Big Tech faced yet another blow from the Department of Justice.

Originally reported by The Wall Street Journal, the DOJ sent letters to members of the congressional judiciary committees and asked them to support an antitrust bill that…

NB Staff | March 29, 2022

In a Tuesday appearance on the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called out the liberal Big Tech companies and media for their “censorship” of the Hunter Biden laptop story that has recently…

Jeffrey Clark | March 29, 2022

A high-profile liberal economist — and reported Hillary Clinton donor — said that the chances of recession in the U.S. are looking increasingly more likely, according to CNN. 

Moody Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi reportedly…

Joseph Vazquez | March 29, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman seems to be a glutton for punishment to his already pathetic track record of atrocious economic predictions.

Krugman is back trying to gaslight Americans over the 40-year high inflation crisis — again…

Craig Bannister | March 29, 2022

Twitter and other Big Tech social media companies are brazenly censoring America’s conservatives, while providing an open platform for its enemies, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) says.

In a Monday night tweet, Rep. Scalise…

Catherine Salgado | March 29, 2022

Twitter, Facebook and YouTube allow seven dictators, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, unfettered access to post on their platforms, influencing approximately 50 million followers as of March 28. Meanwhile, former leader of the free…

Autumn Johnson | March 29, 2022

A senior editor at The Federalist was locked out of his Twitter account over the weekend after he called Rachel Levine a man.

According to The Federalist, Senior Editor John Daniel Davidson tweeted that Levine “is in fact a man” and was…

Catherine Salgado | March 28, 2022

Former Google CEO and tech billionaire Eric Schmidt was reportedly involved with Biden’s White House science office in a way that raises serious ethical concerns.

Politico reported that former Google CEO and leftist billionaire Schmidt…

Brian Bradley | March 28, 2022

Congress should target monopolies as it advances Big Tech legislation, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said last week. “If ninety percent of your searches go through one search engine, is that a monopoly?” McCarthy asked during an…

Alexander Hall | March 28, 2022

Liberals once infamously told free speech advocates to build their own platforms if they dislike Big Tech censorship.

But unsurprisingly, the liberal New York Times is now suggesting that the pro-free speech platform Rumble will help…

Craig Bannister | March 28, 2022

Recalling White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s revelation that the Biden Administration is working with Big Tech social media platforms to limit free speech, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) warned Friday of the threat to Americans’ First Amendment…

Joseph Vazquez | March 28, 2022

So-called fact-checkers should be eating crow following authentication of the emails from Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop by The New York Times. But a new analysis shows they’re being as brazen as ever by not updating old articles challenging the…

Autumn Johnson | March 27, 2022

A new law in the European Union would force Apple to allow sideloading and third-party app stores.

According to The Verge, Apple would be prevented from requiring users to download apps in its own app store under the Digital Markets Act (…

Autumn Johnson | March 27, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he is giving “serious thought” to creating a new social media platform to rival Twitter.

“Would you consider building a new social media platform, @elonmusk?” an account asked on Saturday. “One that would consist…

Autumn Johnson | March 26, 2022

Podcaster Joe Rogan said that “woke” employees of Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter are “mentally ill.”

The New York Post reported that Rogan made the comment on his Spotify podcast during an interview with Antonio García…

Autumn Johnson | March 25, 2022

Tesla’s Elon Musk tweeted in support of free speech and questioned Twitter’s “adherence” to it.

Musk asked his followers to vote “yes” or “no” in a poll that asked users whether the platform supported free speech. “Free speech is…

Catherine Salgado | March 25, 2022

Patreon just paid “lib service” to free speech. Patreon has reportedly banned two political commentators from its platform.

The online payments company suspended BlazeTV’s “You Are Here” host Sydney Watson and Wrong Opinion podcast host…

Jeffrey Clark | March 25, 2022

A powerful government regulator is trying to force all publicly traded companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and their supposed climate risks. But the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows squelched the green tyranny announcement,…