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Autumn Johnson | July 24, 2022

Twitter banned the term “groomer” last week, seemingly believing that the term is an anti-LGBT slur.

Reclaim The Net reported Saturday on the ban:

“Following pressure from journalists, Twitter has followed Reddit and has…

Autumn Johnson | July 24, 2022

Woke employees at Activision Blizzard walked out last week in protest of the United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that the employees believe they are taking a stand for…

Autumn Johnson | July 23, 2022

Tech giant Amazon announced last week that it is suing Facebook group administrators for posting fake reviews for products.

Amazon claims the administrators of more than 10,000 groups offered money or free products in exchange for reviews…

YouTube has updated its policies to restrict certain kinds of supposed misinformation about abortion, as pro-abortion pressure on tech companies continues.

YouTube will now remove content around the world that supposedly “‘promotes or…

Jeffrey Clark | July 22, 2022

Republican lawmakers are finally standing their ground and fighting back against woke bureaucrats who leverage government power to make traditional energy more expensive, according to Fox Business. 

Public Enemy No. 1 in this battle…

Catherine Salgado | July 22, 2022

Two YouTubers described as 'China's first' called SnapChat out for seemingly bowing to Chinese propaganda on Taiwan in a recent podcast.

Matt Tye and Winston Sterzel, "were the first YouTubers in China," according to their podcast…

Joseph Vazquez | July 22, 2022

Leftist website ratings firm NewsGuard is back to show the world why it’s a pathetic excuse for an internet traffic cop by giving a failing grade while completely undercutting its own complaint.

NewsGuard downgraded FoxNews.…

Catherine Salgado | July 21, 2022

More than half of Americans want app stores to remove TikTok following revelations that Chinese employees can directly access U.S. user data.

According to a new survey from The Trafalgar Group, 58.6 percent of Americans want TikTok to be…

Hunter Patterson | July 21, 2022

President Joe Biden's clumsy flub lit up the internet last week after he read the teleprompter's private instructions to “repeat the line” during a White House speech on pro-abortion tactics.

But one Facebook-supported “fact-checker,”…

Jeffrey Clark | July 21, 2022

One of the foremost opponents of woke Corporate America, Vivek Ramaswamy, joined conservative radio host Glenn Beck to smack down environmental, social and governance standards and emphasize the dangers they present to the American people.

Joseph Vazquez | July 21, 2022

The New York Times opinion section actually published a shocking project where eight of their columnists admitted they were wrong about either economics, tech, foreign affairs or politics. At the top of the list was none other than “…

NB Staff | July 21, 2022

Appearing late Wednesday/early Thursday on the Fox News Channel’s Fox News @ Night, MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell shared the findings of Free Speech America’s (FSA) blockbuster study on secondhand censorship by Big Tech, saying the…

Jeffrey Clark | July 20, 2022

Fox News exposed climate czar John Kerry’s over 300 metric tons of hypocrisy — and that’s just since the beginning of the Biden administration. But not one of the Big Three evening news shows gave the shocking report any coverage. 

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | July 20, 2022

It’s Episode 47 of CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how Big Tech is unabashedly anti-American. 

Earlier this month, Nextdoor censored one user’s Fourth of July post. Nextdoor is a social media app designed to help…


America is increasingly outraged by the manner in which radical Big Tech leftists are censoring conservative and Christian leaders and organizations on nearly every major social media platform. 

But what is the…

Craig Bannister | July 19, 2022

“[W]e have concluded that there is no need for a Disinformation Governance Board,” DHS’s Homeland Security Advisory Council’s Disinformation Best Practices and Safeguards Subcommittee says in its final interim recommendation, released Monday.…

Catherine Salgado | July 19, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is reportedly planning to counter-sue Twitter in an ongoing legal battle over the billionaire’s halted purchase of the social media company.

Musk has attempted to stop his purchase of Twitter after he said the company…

Jeffrey Clark | July 19, 2022

The Washington Post mourned the legislative death of President Joe Biden’s climate-change plan after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) reportedly sunk the proposal in Congress. The Post responded by plastering its website with two nutty stories signaling…

Joseph Vazquez | July 19, 2022

A new data release by the liberal American Civil Liberties Union appears to expose nefarious Big Government data-mining happening right under your nose.

The ACLU issued a report July 18 headlined, “New Records Detail DHS Purchase and Use…

Jeffrey Clark | July 18, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted the environmental, social and governance movement that caused total economic collapse in Sri Lanka and is now popular with Corporate America. 

“ESG is the latest fad on Wall Street,” Carlson said…