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Catherine Salgado | July 18, 2022

Reddit moderators made a woke interpretation of their platform’s general guidelines to censor the word “groomer.” 

Meanwhile, two LGBTQ+ outlets are apparently so eager for increased online censorship that they praised the muzzling…

Joseph Vazquez | July 18, 2022

The New York Times Magazine is getting in front of estimates that the U.S. GDP contracted again in the second quarter by slamming the country’s “obsession” with economic growth.

The Times Magazine published an asinine interview…

Autumn Johnson | July 17, 2022

MRC Free Speech America board advisor Rachel Bovard says Google is using user data to further its own political agenda.

In an op-ed with the New York Post, Bovard, the senior policy director at the Conservative Partnership Institute,…

Autumn Johnson | July 17, 2022

The Department of Justice is reportedly planning to file an antitrust lawsuit against Google.

Bloomberg News reported that the DOJ is unhappy with concessions the company offered to avoid a fine.

DOJ officials reportedly hold that…

Autumn Johnson | July 16, 2022

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has a message for the world: Fighting back against misinformation is “a matter of life and death.”

Guterres on July 12 told the UN Security Council that reliable information is a human right.

Catherine Salgado | July 15, 2022

Woke pro-LGBTQ group GLAAD just gave five Big Tech platforms a failing score on LGBTQ “safety” online. 

“They don’t have enforcement,” GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis claimed July 14 on CBS Mornings.

Radical LGBTQ+ organization…

Jeffrey Clark | July 15, 2022

Leftist billionaire Bill Gates announced a historic $20 billion endowment to the woke Gates Foundation on July 13. Gates vowed to help push for more vaccines, “prevent” future pandemics and achieve “gender equality.”

“I am transferring $…

Joseph Vazquez | July 15, 2022

Twitter exploited the death of Ivana Trump, allowing users to take a disgusting potshot at her ex-husband.

Following news about the death of former President Donald Trump’s ex-wife, an “In memoriam” item trended on the platform: “Ivana…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 15, 2022

What do the words “God Bless America,” “Spam” and “Discrimination” have in common? One might think the answer is “absolutely nothing,” but not so on the Nextdoor app.

Nextdoor is a social media app designed to help users connect with…

Catherine Salgado | July 14, 2022

“Free speech itself was under attack.”

Former Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) wrote this in a piece for Mises Institute about the U.S. government’s potential role in driving Twitter’s ban last year of journalist Alex Berenson. The platform…

Jeffrey Clark | July 14, 2022

An investor known for starting a “MAGA” investment group denounced environmental, social and governance standards as toxic in an interview with Fox Business host Charles Payne.  

“This ESG movement is really destructive,” Point…

Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2022

UPDATE: MRC Free Speech America reached out to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for more detailed information on Gerson Fuentes regarding his status. An ICE spokesperson gave MRC the following statement: “On July 13, officers with U.…

Autumn Johnson | July 14, 2022

A federal court judge granted Missouri and Louisiana’s motion for expedited discovery in a blow to the Biden administration.

President Biden and several members of his administration are named as defendants in the lawsuit.


Autumn Johnson | July 14, 2022

Amazon’s Ring security system is facing criticism after reports surfaced that the system shared user data without consent.

Axios reported that the doorbell system admitted to sharing user information with law enforcement without consent.…

Catherine Salgado | July 13, 2022

[Editor's Note: This story has been changed to note that RuthSentUs is a parody Twitter account. A previous version of this story wrongly referred to the account as "radical pro-abortion protestors."]

The RuthSentUs and Antifa Sacramento…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | July 13, 2022

It’s Episode 46 of CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how Big Tech censored Jordan Peterson and David Rubin for using the given name of a “transgender” person. 

Peterson is an author, psychologist and podcaster who is…

Catherine Salgado | July 13, 2022

A Washington free speech advocate lashed into two Democratic Party senators this week who recently challenged Facebook for censoring pro-abortion posts.

“Big Tech monopolists regularly censor and silence conservatives, and Democrats don’t…

Jeffrey Clark | July 13, 2022

A few morning show hosts supposedly found the “silver lining” Wednesday in a devastating report showing that inflation skyrocketed in June for the fastest increase since 1981. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) July 13 report…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2022

Insufferable NeverTrumper Bill Kristol should know by now that putting dumb inflation hot takes on Twitter minutes before devastating economic news is released doesn’t return dividends.

Kristol tweeted at 8:00 a.m. a laundry list of…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2022

Leftist outlets warning about potential data privacy infringements for those seeking abortions pushed for the surrender of people’s privacy when it came to COVID-19.

MRC Free Speech America found at least eight major publications that…