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Autumn Johnson | July 12, 2022

Communist China-tied social media giant TikTok is “pausing” its new privacy policy that was set to roll out in Europe.

TechCrunch reported that the new policy would have discontinued the platform’s request for user consent to receive…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 12, 2022

Twitter censors conservatives who dare challenge the leftist agenda, but leftist activists can attempt to intimidate federal officials and Twitter won’t bat an eyelash. 

“ShutDownDC,” a group known for organizing harassment campaigns…

Catherine Salgado | July 12, 2022

Democratic Party Sens. Elizabeth Warren (MA) and Amy Klobuchar (MN) complained in a letter to Facebook and Instagram that some pro-abortion posts have been censored online. Yet both senators have been pushing for increased censorship online.…

NB Staff | July 12, 2022

Twitter claims in its “About” section to be “an open service that’s home to a world of diverse people, perspectives, ideas, and information.” 

But in an act of abject political theater, the partisan Jan. 6 Committee broadcasted…

Jeffrey Clark | July 12, 2022

Yahoo! News republished absurd claims that the United Nations deleted a 14-year old article seemingly promoting the economic benefits of world hunger because it was “satirical.” 

The 2008 article headlined “The Benefits of World…

Joseph Vazquez | July 12, 2022

A leftist economist connected to liberal billionaire George Soros claimed that the Wuhan COVID-19 virus actually originated in a U.S. lab, feeding Communist Chinese anti-American propaganda.

Columbia University Center for Sustainable…

Catherine Salgado | July 11, 2022

More censorship, now! The New York Times whined that free speech rights and Republicans are hurting efforts to combat so-called “misinformation” – or, put more simply, efforts to censor.

The Times published an article bemoaning stalled…

Jeffrey Clark | July 11, 2022

The United Nations quietly removed an old op-ed from its website after the article went viral for claiming that hunger “has great positive value to many people.” The UN claimed the article was “satire,” directly contradicting comments the author…

Jeffrey Clark | July 11, 2022

CNN host Fareed Zakaria slammed the Biden administration for its “toothless” economic war against Russia that is making its oligarchs rich while the West becomes poorer and more dependent on Russian energy. 

“It is now clear that the…

Catherine Salgado | July 11, 2022

A United Kingdom lawmaker proposed a communist Chinese-style social credit score. Wake up, West!

U.K. Conservative Party lawmaker John Penrose proposed an addition to the anti-free speech Online Safety Bill requiring platforms to…

Joseph Vazquez | July 11, 2022

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates flexed his leftist bona fides by advocating for world governments to centralize control over digital payments. 

A June 29 World Bank press release stated that following the COVID-19…

Brian Bradley | July 8, 2022

Twitter refused to provide information on its fake or spam accounts, so Elon Musk is canceling his plan to buy the platform, according to a letter sent by Musk’s legal team to Twitter.

Musk asked Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal to show evidence…

Catherine Salgado | July 8, 2022

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project is suing the Biden administration for documents about the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) contract with a data mining company.

Heritage’s Oversight Project just filed a lawsuit for…

At least one Republican senator and one Democratic senator are calling on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate TikTok. “There is bipartisan consensus on this threat and no excuse for inaction while Americans remain at risk,” Sen. Marco…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 8, 2022

Twitter “temporarily ‘permanently suspended’” Breaking911’s news account for “ban evasion,” according to screenshots tweeted by the news outlet. But Breaking911 said it’s never been banned before.

Breaking911 tweeted that Twitter “…

Jeffrey Clark | July 8, 2022

Bloomberg News revealed that U.S. college students are voting with their feet and choosing to enter the woke environmental, social and governance sector over the oil industry. 

Some students have become disenchanted with the oil…

Catherine Salgado | July 7, 2022

The Washington Post claimed that Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s deal to buy Twitter is “in peril,” as Musk continues to try to get important raw data from Twitter.

Since Musk’s team cannot seemingly verify Twitter’s spam bot numbers, a “change in…

Catherine Salgado | July 7, 2022

Following pressure from Democratic Party lawmakers and the liberal media, Google announced that it would make a new exception for retaining users’ location history—users visiting abortion clinics.

After the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs v.…

Jeffrey Clark | July 7, 2022

The U.S. Supreme Court may have overturned Roe v. Wade, but abortion has not been completely eliminated — not if leftists in corporate America have anything to say about it, at least. 

Following the collapse of Roe, many businesses…

Autumn Johnson | July 6, 2022

Liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald says Democrats are threatening social media platforms if their censorship demands are unmet.

Greenwald was involved in a Twitter discussion with Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Musk asked Alex Berenson, a…