
Graham Allen
PolitiFake: Fact-Checker Cries ‘False’ that Biden White House Redefined ‘Recession’ Joseph Vazquez July 29th, 2022 12:13 PM Facebook fact-checker PolitiFact played the role of the village idiot by…
Blogspot places sensitive filter over blog heavily quoting then-CATO scholar Dan Mitchell: A user wrote a blog outlining Dan Mitchell's ideas. He referenced the then-CATO scholar, now Center for…
Sean B Flanagan
Twitter censors user's account for tweeting about various conservative concerns: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The other user had tweeted: "@…
Jerry Chandler
Facebook removes socialism political cartoon: Facebook removed a user's political cartoon about socialism and the economy. The platform claimed that "certain kinds of posts about suicide or self-…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Nick Kangadis talking about the intelligence (or lack thereof) in the Biden administration: In a clipped episode of his show "Things That Need to Be Said," MRCTV…
Thomas J. Noyola
Twitter censors user for asking for Janet Yellen to be fired: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He was replying to a story about Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and replied…
James Beckwith
Facebook censors user for suggesting people pay court fine instead of paying for gas to save money: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. The user had posted: "…
Bitcoin Magazine
YouTube terminated Bitcoin Magazine's account for no apparent reason: Twitter founder Jack Dorsey tweeted a YouTube video April 7 of the Bitcoin 2022 Conference and captioned it: "best…
Facebook fact-checks Vance Ginn interview: Texas Public Policy Foundation shared a video interview where Vance Ginn spoke with Fox Business about the "energy and inflation crisis." Facebook claimed…
Heritage Action
Facebook Fact-Checker CENSORS Heritage Action for Video Quoting Biden’s Own Words on Gas Policy Alexander Hall March 17th, 2022 Big Tech censorship went from targeting statements of former…
Brian Noone
Facebook fact checks gas prices post: A user told CensorTrack that his post was fact-checked by Facebook and labeled as "missing context." The post included a graph tracking gas prices since…
Preston Ferris
Facebook censors user for sharing unbelief at the gas prices in Canada: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He had posted: "189.9 a liter lololol Canadians are…
Andy DeVore
Twitter censors user for sharing copy of Facebook censorship notice: Facebook censors user for complaining about inflation and sarcastically applying blame: A Twitter user shared a…
Andy DeVore
Facebook censors user for complaining about inflation and sarcastically applying blame: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He had posted: "Good god. I…
Twitter censors user for tweet criticizing the World Economic Forum and its leader, Klaus Schwab: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "If I've said it…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Wacky M.O.L.E. with Eric Scheiner: Director of MRCTV Eric Scheiner called out media economists for downplaying rising inflation in a TikTok video. TikTok removed the…
Matt Salmon
YouTube removes excerpts Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Matt Salmon's "War Room" interview discussing taxes and immigration: YouTube has removed three videos of excerpts of an…
Facebook disingenuously fact-checks meme about high gas prices being Biden's fault, claims it "has no basis in fact": A meme posted to Facebook depicted two gas station price boards. The top one…
MRC's Rob Shimshock
Amazon suspends ads for conservative author's new book because they discussed controversial social topics, had improper capitalization and incorrect grammar: Amazon suspended…
Mark Moss
Facebook fact-checker targets video saying World Economic Forum has a "stated goal" for people to own nothing by 2030: Facebook targeted a video by motivational speaker Mark Moss posted Feb. 23…