Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement

Twitter censors user trying to share NY Post article on Hunter Biden: A Twitter user attempted to share the NY Post article about Hunter Biden. However, Twitter forced him to delete the…
House Judiciary
Twitter restricts sharing of article detailing Jim Jordan confirming authenticity of Hunter Biden emails: The House Judiciary GOP account was thwarted from sharing an important article from Sean…
Harriet Baldwin
Facebook censors user for posting Hunter Biden news story: A Twitter user explained that her Facebook account was suspended after posting a Hunter Biden news story. While she did not elaborate on why…
Jeremiah Andrews
Twitter censors user trying to share NY Post article on Hunter Biden: A Twitter user attempted to share the NY Post article about Hunter Biden. However, Twitter forced him to delete the…
Bobby Dread
Twitter blocks user from tweeting NY Post article about Hunter Biden: A Twitter user heard that Twitter was censoring the NY Post article about Hunter Biden, and decided to test it himself. He posted…
New York Post
A second story from the New York Post has been blocked from being able to be tweeted or shared in direct messages on Twitter. The article further alleges Hunter Biden used his place as the…
Woody Lim
Twitter blocks user from tweeting NY Post article about Hunter Biden: A Twitter user heard that Twitter was censoring the NY Post article about Hunter Biden, and decided to test it himself. He posted…
Tony Planas
Facebook restricts user for posting NY Post article about Hunter Biden: A Twitter user explained that his Facebook account was restricted. He got in trouble for a "post mentioning The New York Posts…
Bryan Passifiume
Toronto Sun reporter vents frustration about account censorship over NY Post article: Bryan Passifiume, a reporter with the Toronto Sun, took to Twitter to express his frustration after…
Douglas Wayne
Twitter prevents use from sharing NY Post Hunter Biden article: A Twitter user reported that he was unable to share a link. The link was to the House Judiciary Committee's press release that…
New Years Dani
Twitter prevents user from tweeting or sharing NY Post Hunter Biden article: A Twitter user shared some screenshots showing how she was prevented from sharing the NY Post Hunter Biden article …
NJ Snow Fan
Twitter censors user for tweeting photo of Hunter Biden from NY Post article: Twitter locked a user's account for tweeting a photo of Hunter Biden taken from the NY Post expose. The user was required…
American Deplorable
Twitter censors user for sharing info from NY Post article: A Twitter user explained that his account was locked. He stated that this happened because he shared Hunter Biden's Ukraine emails, which…
Tom Bain
Twitter censors user trying to share NY Post Hunter Biden story: A Twitter user reported being locked out of his account for 24 hours. He stated that this was because he posted the Hunter Biden story…
MRC's Curtis Houck
Twitter restricts MRC's Curtis Houck for allegedly distributing hacked material: Curtis Houck, the managing editor for the Media Research Center's Newsbusters, has had several of his account…
Liberty Farmer
Twitter censors user for speaking about Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She had tweeted: "@JoeBiden Smears and more smears. Deranged Leftists lies…
Team Trump
Twitter locks out Trump campaigns official Twitter account for tweeting NY Post article: Twitter locked out the Team Trump official Twitter account because it tweeted out the damning NY Post…
New York Post
Twitter has reportedly locked the New York Post's account and disabled the ability for users to link to one of its articles in a tweet or send it via direct message, citing it as "…
Office Gladiator
Twitter censors user for tweeting photo of Hunter Biden from NY Post article: Twitter locked a user's account for tweeting a photo of Hunter Biden taken from the NY Post expose. The user was required…
Michael Coudrey
Twitter censors Michael Coudrey for posting the NY Post Hunter Biden story: Twitter served a seven-day account restriction to Michael Coudrey, CEO of Pharos Investment Group, for tweeting about the…