PC Gone Wild
User tweeted a side by side image of Ocean City, NJ vs Ocean City, MD, showing NJ is completely empty because it is still locked down, while MD is teeming with people, and used the #OpenAmerica…
Rowan Croft
User was tweeting about the facts about COVID-19 and in a series of 3 tweets, he included multiple images from studies and other pertinent information about the virus, leading to conclusions that we…
Americano Mike
User tweeted to explain that is father has had to close his small business because of the COVID lockdowns, and used the #OPENAMERICANOW hashtag. He included an image of his father at his business,…
Amy Brilliante
Facebook fact checks user's for sharing anti-mask article: Facebook fact-checked a user for sharing a Vanguard article. The article had the headline, "WARNING: Prolonged use of facemask produces…
Kimberly Kayh
User re-tweeted a tweet that was labeled as sensitive content, with the accompanying message: "EXACTLY! They don't care because she doesn't vote for them! #IStandWithShelley #OPENAMERICANOW." The…
John Hunter
User tweeted a video from Fox News showing an empty ICE detention center after a California judge ordered ICE to release detainees, along with an interview with a former ICE director about the…
Denise Terpack
User tweeted about the Plandemic video being censored on Youtube. Her tweet contained 2 images, one of the Youtube message saying the video had been removed for violating the community guidelines,…
User tweeted "Supporting local business. #Chesters #OPENAMERICANOW" with a photo of a combo meal from Chesters. That photo was labeled with a sensitive content filter.
Martin Glover
User tweeted about how we need to reopen America, with the #ReOpenAmerica and #Libtards hashtags. The accompanying meme image was labeled with a sensitive content filter. It showed the two sides in…
User tweeted "Live Free #OPENAMERICANOW" along with a photo of someone holding a sign that says "Don't let the mask become a muzzle." This image was censored as sensitive content.
User tweeted "I notice that most of the shit rolling downhill with #ReOpenAmerica comes from #Democrat run the #SocialistStateofIllinois @JBPritzker #GovDoubleWide can’t…
Kevin Davis
User tweeted an image of a large outdoor digital sign saying "Current survival rate figures for the US = 98.54%. How 'bout we promote that, instead of fear." The tweet asked people to Focus on the…
User tweeted an image of the Democrat leaders of Congress with the following text under it: "Paying taxes to a government where elected officials are representing foreigners instead of American is…
C Ramz
User tweeted: "..welcome to Obama-conomics 2020..welfare for all..cradle to grave..’ask not, what you can do for your Country..ask, what will your Country will do for you..’ #…
Christopher Lee
User tweeted: "Freedom Fighters descend on California #ReopenCalifornia #ReopenCA #ReopenAmerica #ReopenAmericaNow #Trump2020" with a video of lockdown protestors in California. This video was…
Diane Shapiro
User tweeted: "I haven't worn a mask yet, never will or submit to #Tyranny Don't like it? #SocialDistance yourself from me, #sheeple" along with an image of an N95 mask that had words pasted on the…
User tweeted about the numbers of COVID-19 infections in Houston, TX, saying that as a visualization you could use the arena where the Houston Rockets play with 18,000 seats, and 31 of the seats…
Christopher Lee
User tweeted: "I knew this #HuntingtonBeach hat was going to be my favorite after buying it in November on my vacation - It means even more now after watching #ReopenCA #ReopenAmerica protests. #…
User tweeted: "#FakeCovidDeaths #CovidPandemicHoax just follow the money & power! #Tyranny" along with a GIF of someone flinging money in the air. The GIF was censored as sensitive content.