John Q Public
User tweeted: "Short clip: Port of Seattle Officer Greg Anderson speaking out against #tyranny regarding #COVID19 #Plandemic #StandUpAmerica #ConstitutionOverCoronavirus #BacktheBlue" and then put a…
Dr. John Ioannidis
John Ioannidis, a Stanford University epidemiology professor and researcher, conducted an interview with Dr. Knut Wittkowski that was eventually removed from YouTube. YouTube stated that the…
Charles Callanan
User tweeted: "If I was asked to describe Democrat leadership 2020 in RI with a picture. @RhodeIslandGOP #tyranny #liberty" with a photo of a playground, which was censored as sensitive content.
Dr. Knutt Wittkowski
A video featuring Dr. Knut Wittkowski, the former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University and a well-known advocate for the concept of herd immunity, …
Charles Callanan
User tweeted: "Another victim. Closed permanently. @GovRaimondo you own this. @RhodeIslandGOP #tyranny" along with a photo of a restaurant called Eleven Forty Nine, which was censored with a…
Charles Callanan
User tweeted "Your humble subjects thank you. I'll bring my own waste bucket. @GovRaimondo @RhodeIslandGOP #tyranny" along with a meme that says "On Memorial Day, Rhode Island will open 2 State…
Cali Blonde Lady
User tweeted "DIFFERENCES: “I did it to feed my family.” - Illegal Alien “I did it to feed my family.” - American Small Business Owner Why is one considered “noble” and the other is a crime? #…
Evelina Sanchez
User tweeted: "Right. #freedom #USA #covid19 #opentexas #dallastx #dallastexas #tyranny" along with a meme that shows an image of a stethoscope with the phrase "'Quarantine' is when you restrict the…
Knut M. Wittkowski
Christopher Lee
User tweeted "If you’re active duty or veteran, make sure you check out Beena’s in Chicks Beach. They do a meticulous job on your hair. They support the military too. #OpenForBusiness #ReopenVirginia…
Duchy Marie
User tweeted "Facebook is asking for "surveys." All in the name of public safety. #ContactTracing has begun. I DO NOT consent. #freedom @VincentCrypt46 @BardsOfWar #coronavirus #coronafraud #…
User tweeted "You can’t lie when you see the facts. There’s definitely an agenda and we are the ones to suffer for it #ReOpenAmerica #EssentialWorkers" along with an infographic showing a map of the…
Save Los Angeles
User tweeted: "Breaking: Los Angeles bans breathing fresh air! #SaveLA #Facism #LA #GarcettiSucks #Covid19 #itsnotaboutavirus #tyranny" along with a meme that says "All Angelenos are required to wear…
Dane Om
User tweeted "This is the only way out!!! #SAlockdown #Fascism #CoronaVirusSA #COVID19 #Plandemic2020 #fakevirus #DA #cyrilramaphosa #tyranny #draconian" along with a photo of someone holding a…
Kimberly Kayh
User tweeted: "TYRANNY is DEMONCRAT states right now! #OPENAMERICANOW RT RT" along with a meme that says "Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the…
Garrett Soldano
Facebook removes anti-lockdown page "Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantines" after admin posts video supporting Michigan barber cutting hair in defiance of the state's stringent lockdown…
Sam Smullen
User tweeted a political cartoon criticizing the COVID lockdowns, and the image was censored with a sensitive content filter.
Facebook has shut down two of the Michigan shutdown protest groups. “Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine” and “Michigan United for Liberty” were Facebook groups created as a result of the…
Facebook has shut down two of the Michigan shutdown protest groups. “Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine” and “Michigan United for Liberty” were Facebook groups created as a result of the…
Texas Redneck
User tweeted: "Don’t count on the spineless GOP to stand up to anything. #OPENAMERICANOW " with a link to someone else's tweet which said "Have you ever noticed, it’s always conservatives who have to…