Conspiracy Theories

Q-Anon Related Accounts
All QAnon Related Accounts Purged from Patreon: All accounts discussing QAnon related theories and conspiracies have been purged from Patreon, an online service that allows content creators…
Radio-Québec, one of Quebec's alternative media outlets, has lost its Facebook page due to the broadcasting group's coverage of QAnon. “We’re now eradicating Pages, Teams and Instagram accounts…
Facebook cracks down on QAnon: In August, Facebook took action against QAnon affiliated accounts and groups that contained any hint of violence. This led to the removal over over 1,500 pages and…
Facebook announced it will ban advertisements that "praise, support or represent" QAnon and any militarized social movements on the platform. Members of groups that have been restricted will see…
Ashley Rae Groypenberg
User states on Facebook that her Twitter account was "permanently suspended" within minutes of criticizing the QAnon purge on Twitter.