CensorTrack Database

7,980 Documented Cases
203 203
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
31 31
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
21 21
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
Cases Against Live Action
7 7
Cases Against The Heritage Foundation
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Displaying 3881 - 3900 of 7980
Darren Beattie
Twitter compels Revolver News founder to delete tweet calling COVID-19 a "scam:" Snapshots indicate that Twitter compelled Revolver News founder Darren Beattie to delete a tweet that…
Mark Money
Twitter censors user for calling a Leftist a name: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted: "insults already from a stranger, sounds like you are a Libtard…
Twitter censors Breaking911 story about FDA restricting Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, leaves Associated Press story about it alone: Breaking911, a popular breaking news source with nearly…
Guy Fawkes
Twitter censors user for tweeting about COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He was quote-tweeting a tweet that read "You think #COVID19 is over? Hospital…
The First Future
Twitter censors user for predicting that Sen. Warren is old enough that she might have a heart attack soon: A Twitter user was responding to Senator Warren "in a rage over abortion," when she tweeted…
Buck Sexton
Facebook fact-checks Buck Sexton's interview with Dinesh D'Souza: Facebook fact-checked Buck Sexton's post promoting Dinesh D'Souza's documentary "2000 Mules." Sexton said, "Dinesh D'Souza's new…
Twitter censors user for sharing photos of aborted, near-full-term babies: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user posted photos of nearly full term aborted…
Twitter censors user for posting an abortion video: A Twitter user shared a copy of their censorship notice. They tweeted: "This draft opinion is a hundred pages too long. #OverturnRoe should be…
Stephen FRank
Facebook censors user for sharing a vile tweet to call it out: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He posted a copy of a tweet from Amanda Duarte reading "I almost…
Brian Noone
Facebook fact-checked a Breitbart article about the movie '2000 Mules' because it disagreed with the premise of the movie trailer: A user told CensorTrack that he posted a Breitbart article with the…
Twitter censors Pro-Life Action League's tweet of an AP article about Oklahoma pro-life law: Pro-Life Action League's tweets are constantly censored by Twitter, and it has happened again.…
Brian Noone
Facebook fact checks Dinesh D'Souza post that included text from Breitbart article: A user told CensorTrack that he shared the text of a Breitbart article on Facebook and the platform fact-checked…
True The Vote
Facebook fact-checks True the Vote's post about 2000 Mules: Facebook fact-checked True the Vote's post according to a purported screenshot shared with MRC Free Speech America. The post said, "The…
Ben Richards
Twitter censors user for summarizing Democrat position on abortion: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted: "Yeah! Let's kill some fucking babies! Woohoo team…
Stephen Harris
Twitter fact checks user for citing Pfizer data: Twitter fact-checked a user's tweet about Pfizer data. Harris said, "Pfizer data released today. 80,000 pages. Pfizer knew vaccine harmed the…
Jane Q Citizen
Twitter censors user for saying that abortion is not a Constitutional issue: A Twitter user shared screenshots of her censorship notices. She tweeted three tweets about abortion: "FYI...abortion…
Dr Robert Spock
Twitter censors user for speaking out against forced vaccinations: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of a censorship notice. The censored user had tweeted: "I thought politicians who forced…
Nick DeRose
Twitter censors user for a common and harmless protest chant: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "Hey hey ho ho Elizabeth Warren has to go hey hey ho ho…
TikTok removed Young America's Foundation video about the transgender movement: Young America's Foundation (YAF) posted a video on TikTok from a YAF event with Matt Walsh. According to the…
Twitter censors user for saying only women can give birth: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted: "Only women can give birth. That's a biological fact."…