Sensitive Filter

Lil Duval
Twitter censors Lil Duval's tweet of a TikTok video: Comedian and recording artist known as Lil Duval tweeted a TikTok video that he claimed got his Instagram account deleted. The TikTok…
Facebook censors inspirational meme as "sensitive content": Several people on Facebook recently have been sharing an inspiration meme. The meme text reads: "Stand up for what you believe in, even if…
Facebook censors PragerU video post depicting the dangers that police officers face daily: PragerU posted a video that they captioned: "This is what happens when a person reaches inside his vehicle.…
The Daily Signal
Heritage Foundation: Twitter Suppression of Our Border Video Is 'Unacceptable' Autumn Johnson The Heritage Foundation has responded after Twitter allegedly censored a video depicting the work of…
Eric Spracklen
Twitter censors latest Project Veritas video about COVID vaccines: Project Veritas released a new whistleblower video featuring Health & Human Services (HHS) Registered Nurse Jodi O'Malley…
Matt Navarra
Facebook censors harmless three-year-old video: Matt Navarra, a social media consultant and commentator, tweeted about his recent Facebook censorship. According to the screenshots that he shared…
Twitter censors user's tweet about the Civil War and the Lee statue: A Twitter user tweeted a photo along with someone else's tweet, and both were covered by sensitive content filters. The photo…
All Day I Dream About Food
Facebook placed a sensitive content filter over baked goods: The Facebook account All Day I Dream About Food posts pictures of Keto recipes and dishes. Facebook placed a sensitive content…
Twitter censors photos of someone's sister who died of leukemia in a covid ward: A Twitter user wanted to share the story of her sister. It seems that she posted in a Facebook group about this, and…
Roger Grismore
Twitter censors part of the United States Code as sensitive content: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of part of 18 USC Ch. 115, the section on treason and sedition, from the web…
Live Action
Twitter censors Live Action image as sensitive content: While liberals support abortion, Twitter calls images of the results "sensitive content." Pro-life organization Live Action tweeted an image…
Bas Houtman
Twitter censors a photo of children waiting for school in Afghanistan: A Twitter user shared a photo taken of small children in Afghanistan waiting outside a school that would not open, wearing their…
Ian Miles Cheong
Twitter censors tweet about female students in Afghanistan being sent home as "sensitive content": Conservative journalist Ian Miles Cheong retweeted a photo with description that one of his…
Facebook places sensitive content filter encouraging words of New York Times best-selling author: New York Times best-selling author and poet, R.H.Sin's unverified Facebook account posts graphics of…
Jayna K Patriot
Facebook censors image calling out social media censorship: A user posted a meme that showed a photo of a book burning from Nazi Germany, with text saying "Book burnings don't just look…
Kyle Becker
Twitter censors DailyMail article tweeted by Kyle Becker about Hunter Biden video: Journalist Kyle Becker tweeted out an article from the Daily Mail headlined "'The Russians have videos of me…
The Heartland Institute
Twitter marks graphic showing title of IPCC report as "sensitive content" when tweeted by Heartland Institute: The Heartland Institute was promoting its latest video, "New IPCC Climate…
Retweet Group Plug
Twitter censors a screenshot of an iPad photo gallery search: A Twitter user was discussing his qualms about Apple's announcement that it plans to scan users photos for pictures of child abuse. He…
Brandon Corley
Twitter censors "Christianity and Wokeness" book cover as "sensitive content": Author Owen Strachan took to Twitter to complain about Twitter's censorship of his book, "Christianity and Wokeness." He…
Robbie VB
Twitter censors screenshots of a Twitter censorship notice as sensitive content: A Twitter user took to Twitter to share screenshots of his censorship notice. The notice indicated that after…