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Facebook fact-checks Townhall article for quoting a fact-checked Wall Street Journal Article: Townhall published a short article about former Obama appointee Steven Koonin's recent book release and…
Facebook deletes post from Second Amendment advocate Colion Noir, threatens to 'unpublish' his page and notifies him that its distribution has been reduced: Facebook deleted a post shared by…
Facebook censors Austin Petersen for a Jeffery Dahmer joke meme: Prominent Libertarian radio host and former political candidate Austin Petersen posted a joke meme on his Facebook account just before…
Twitter censors Valentine's Day tweet from Todd Rokita, Attorney General of Indiana: Indiana's AG, Todd Rokita, tweeted a Valentine's Day meme, styled as a Valentine's Day card. It featured a drawing…
Twitter censors conservative activist Amy Kremer's Valentine's Day poem: Conservative activist Amy Kremer tweeted a poem for Valentine's Day that Twitter did not find any love in. It read: "Roses are…
Twitter censors Tim Pool's tweet about new video evidence of potential vote fraud in MI: Popular YouTuber and host of @Timcast, Tim Pool quote tweeted a tweet from Gateway Pundit journalist…
Twitter censors Gateway Pundit journalist for tweeting new video showing potential election fraud in MI: Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) tweeted extensively about…
Facebook censors Mark Dice post of a Newsweek article, threatens to disable his page over it: Conservative commentator Mark Dice reported via Twitter that his Facebook page has been heavily censored…
Twitter labels and restricts Gateway Pundit tweet to article about Mike Lindell: Right-wing digital news outlet Gateway Pundit tweeted out a story that the outlet published titled: "Mike Lindell…
Mike Lindell tweet about election integrity labeled and restricted by Twitter: My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell tweeted the following about the election: "Here are the pages of the machine voter fraud…
Mike Lindell tweet about election integrity labeled and restricted by Twitter: My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell tweeted the following about the election: "Here is one page of hundreds that prove President…
Facebook restricts Ron Paul for unknown reasons: Ron Paul tweeted about a Facebook restriction that he had received. The censorship notice from the platform explained: "You have limited page…
Facebook throttles Rush Limbaugh's page: In what conservative icon Rush Limbaugh described as a "badge of honor," Facebook reduced his distribution and enacted "other restrictions." Limbaugh reported…
FB post from political commentator Liz Wheeler fact-checked by Lead Stories: Former One America News Network anchor Liz Wheeler posted a video explaining legislation proposed in New York that…
Mark Levin's Facebook page throttled for 'repeated sharing of false news': For the third time since October Facebook has notified Mark Levin, the host of Fox's Life Liberty and Levin, that it…
On the eve of a presidential election Facebook censors conservative political pundit Mark Levin's page: The Facebook page of Mark Levin, a conservative radio personality and Fox's host of…
Independent conservative journalist Michelle Malkin loses ability to manage her Facebook account, gets labeled an "Extremist": Independent journalist Michelle Malkin shared a screenshot on…
Word-for-word Google searches of Breitbart headlines fail to produce links to Breitbart's site: A report from ReclaimTheNet alleges that several Google searches of verbatim Breitbart…
Facebook throttles Grabien's traffic after it released a report slamming the social media platform for election interference: Grabien is a digital service that provides a range of…
Amazon Blocks Book About Coronavirus from being Distributed Across its Services: James Perloff, the author of COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled, has been blocked by Amazon from…