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Republican Boys
TikTok Censors Republican Boys for videos discussing possible election fraud: A popular TikTok channel, Republican Boys, got in trouble for some videos that discussed potential election fraud.…
Republican Hype House
TikTok Censors Republican Hype House for videos discussing possible election fraud: A popular TikTok channel, The Republican Hype House, got in trouble for some videos that discussed potential…
Tinfoil Durag
Twitter censors user for posting raw footage from a mail-in vote processing center: A Twitter user was sent to "Twitter jail" and had to delete his tweet. The tweet contained no commentary, simply a…
Jesse Kelly
Twitter suspends @JesseKellyDC for a week over a tweet about Kyle Rittenhouse: The Twitterverse has been suffering from a lack of pithy tweets by Jesse Kelly recently after he ran afoul of Twitter's…
We Found America
Twitter censors user for tweeting photo of Hunter Biden from NY Post article: Twitter locked a user's account for tweeting a photo of Hunter Biden taken from the NY Post expose. The user was…
Miss Michigan
Twitter censors user for alerting FBI about potential election fraud: A Twitter user found their account locked after a warning tweet. The user found Sebastian Machado's post on Instagram indicating…
Thug Wife
Twitter censors user for sharing Instagram post by someone claiming to have committed voter fraud: A Twitter user got in trouble for sharing an Instagram post made by user omg_seabass, who has since…
Publius the Chump
Twitter censors user for sharing Instagram post by someone claiming to have committed voter fraud: A Twitter user got in trouble for sharing an Instagram post made by user omg_seabass who has since…
A. Benjamin Mannes
Election Day tweet from Newsmax Columnist deleted: A tweet from Newsmax columnist A. Benjamin Mannes was deleted from Twitter before anyone was able to grab screenshots, or report on it. The tweet…
Rachel Weeks
Facebook removes user's comment: Facebook removed a user's comment for violating the platform's Community Standards on harassment and bullying, according to a purported screenshot. The comment said…
Twitter censors user for tweeting photo of Hunter Biden from NY Post article: Twitter locked a user's account for tweeting a photo of Hunter Biden taken from the NY Post expose. The user was…
Zippy the Chicken
Twitter censors user for tweeting photo of Hunter Biden: Twitter locked a user's account for tweeting a photo of Hunter Biden. The user was required to delete the tweet before regaining access to…
Sam Adams
Twitter censors user for saying how Trump supporters will support him: A Twitter user was censored for a statement he made about Trump supporters' depth of devotion. He tweeted: "@JackPosobiec Jack,…
Cassyus Rex
Twitter censors user for posting a preference of election date: A Twitter user was confused as to why their account was locked for several hours due to "posting misleading information about voting."…
Twitter censored user for asking why YouTube censored her Hunter Biden content: A Twitter user tweeted a question to YouTube about her censorship there, and got censored for it. Her tweet said:…
  Twitter censors pics of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting pics of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced them…
Movie about ANTIFA removed from YouTube and Vimeo: A film about ANTIFA has been taken off of video uploading platforms YouTube and Vimeo (trailer still on YouTube). "ANTIFA: Rise Of The…
Twitter censors user comparing Biden's crime bill to slave codes: A Twitter user reported that his account had been censored for a tweet about Joe Biden. His tweet read: "Biden's crime bill was…
MRC's Michael Chapman
Facebook Removed MRC's Michael Chapman's post linking to an article on Hunter Biden's alleged PornHub account and scandalous behaviour uncovered ahead of the 2020 election: CNSNews Managing Editor…
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…