
Twitter censors RubyMediaGroup’s “Happy Easter” wishes: Public Relations Agency RubyMediaGroup tweeted, “Happy Easter!” The tweet also included a picture of a little blue bird with three eggs in a nest. However, Twitter obscured the image with a sensitive content filter. Twitter includes “graphic content” such as “violent crimes or accidents,” “adult nudity and sexual behavior,” “gratuitous gore” under its definition of sensitive content. However, nothing in RubyMediaGroup’s tweet or image contained anything remotely resembling such material. Twitter provided no explanation of why it censored RubyMediaGroup’s tweet. Twitter also appears to have placed an account-level sensitive flag on RubyMediaGroup, obscuring numerous tweets on RubyMediaGroup’s feed. Users on the desktop version of Twitter must click through a filter to view these posts, if they do not wish to change their settings to show sensitive content by default. Users on the mobile version of Twitter are simply unable to view the tweet without changing the setting.

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Sensitive Filter
Sensitive Filter
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