Pro-Life Action League

Twitter censors image of pro-lifers gathered for Good Friday Way of the Cross: Twitter once again censored "sensitive content" that was nothing of the sort, it just happened to be posted by a pro-life group. Pro-Life Action League has been plagued by Twitter slapping a sensitive content filter on nearly everything it posts for quite a while now. On Good Friday, the group posted an image that was the latest recipient of the interstitial that reduces engagement and reach. The tweet captioned the photo as: "Over 100 pro-lifers gathered today on Good Friday for the Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion outside the Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois." The image was of just that, a group of people bundled up for the cold outside, listening to a speaker giving a message for Good Friday in a field. Why Twitter considers this to be "sensitive content" is anyone's guess.

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