Prince And Princess of Wales
Case #

Instagram censors official photo posted by Princess Catherine: In order to alleviate rumors about her health, Kate Middleton posted a photo of herself and her three children on the official "Prince and Princess of Wales" Instagram page to celebrate the UK's Mother's Day. Instagram covered this photo with an interstitial that read "Altered photo/video. The same altered photo was reviewed by independent fact-checkers in another post." When users clicked on the "See Why" link, a message expanded on the problem, saying that "Independent fact-checkers say the photo or image has been edited in a way that could mislead people, but not because it was shown out of context." This was confirmed via a link to a fact-check that was in Spanish, but concluded that the image had been altered. Kate later admitted that she had done some amateur photo-editing to the image, but it is unclear why fact checkers believe that this "could mislead people." According to Facebook, Instagram's sister-site, users fail to click through similar fact-check interstitials 95% of the time.

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