Nicole Solas

Twitter bans parental rights activist for anti-grooming tweet: Mother and parental rights activist Nicole Solas wrote on July 28 on Independent Women's Forum that Twitter had banned her for tweeting a critique of a program that matched "queer youth" with "professional drag performers" for a "Cinderella experience." The tweet describing the "Dragutante" program mentioned two Colorado state representatives as supporters, according to a screenshot Solas shared. Solas said she quote tweeted the description of the program and, according to her screenshot, commented, “State sanctioned grooming in Colorado by CO State Reps @leslieherod & @BriannaForCO matching kids with men performing gay sexual fetish on a ‘safe stage.’” Solas said Twitter then banned her for "hateful conduct," saying she had violated the rule, "You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease." Solas asked, "Is it 'hateful' to disagree with adults teaching children to perform as drag queens with the public support of state legislators?"

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