Jake Shields

X community adds context note to UFC fighter's post: Former UFC fighter Jake Shields' X account posted, "Israel is the only foreign country allowed to have a lobby in America[.] Israel is the only country that has laws against boycotting it in America[.] Israel is the only country that ignores International with zero consequences[.] We send more money to Israel than any other county Israel spies on America more than any other country[.] They are the only country that passed laws in over 20 countries so that if you question their history you go to jail[.] They passed anti-free speech laws all over Europe and America[.] I don't understand why we allow this small country to completely control and dominate us." X added a label to the post that read "Readers added context they thought people might want to know." The added context read, "Most countries lobby in the US. Since 2016, Israel is 10th in terms of spending, behind countries like Japan, S Korea, China, & Qatar. Israel has not been in the Top 10 since 2019. opensecrets.org/fara Before 2021, Afghanistan received the most money from the US. In 2022 & 2023, it was Ukraine. foreignassistance.gov." The label is part of X’s Community Notes system. X users are able to sign up as contributors to add context to posts. X owner Elon Musk recently shared that any post with a Community Note added to it will be demonetized. The Community Notes account on X also posted to explain that notices will now be pushed to users that previously engaged with a post about any Community Notes added to it after the engagement.

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