Eliz Orban

Instagram threatens to shut down account for posting video about being kicked off a flight when two year old wouldn't wear mask: Health coach and business mentor Eliz Orban, known on Instagram as @elizfulop with over 55,000 followers, was threatened to have her account shut down after she posted a personal video on her feed. Her family got kicked off a United flight when her two year old would not wear a mask. Orban shot a video that has since gone viral, showing the attempts to get the girl put on a surgical mask which all failed. It then shows the father telling the flight attendant who is kicking them off the flight that he is complying by holding a cloth mask over his daughter's face. The flight attendant insisted that he was in fact not complying, and that they must leave the flight. Orban, while crying, said on the video that United was sending their bags and car seat on to their destination without them, and that they were being told that they would be permanently banned from the airline. After posting this video on her Instagram account, Orban said Instagram threatened to shut down her account. It has since become a Private account, which is problematic for someone who positions herself as a coach and mentor with over 55,000 followers before the trouble. There has been no public comment made by Instagram about this incident.

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