Case #

X community adds a context note to user's post: An X (formerly Twitter) user posted "Tom Selleck recently praised Trump saying “He’s an answer to our problems. We need to get behind him. The Republicans need to unite behind this man. We need somebody to go in and reconstruct us in a sort of way, get us back to where we were, who we need to be.” Who agrees?" The post included an image of Selleck. The X community added a note to the post that read: "Readers added context they thought people might want to know. These words were not said by Tom Selleck. The quote is from an interview with Jon Voight…." The label is part of X’s Community Notes system. X users are able to sign up as contributors to add context to posts. X owner Elon Musk shared that any post with a Community Note added to it will be demonetized. The Community Notes account on X also posted that notices will be pushed to users who previously engaged with a post when a Community Note is added to it later.

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