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The head of the World Health Organization has once again insisted that social media and governments work to crush free speech surrounding health and medical mandates.

Years after most people have moved on from COVID-19, globalists like WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus are still trying to pressure social media platforms to silence medical discussions. In an Oct. 13 speech, Ghebreyesus asserted without providing any statistical evidence that “falsehoods about masks, vaccines and ‘lockdowns’ spread as fast as the virus itself, and were almost as deadly.” As a solution, he offered un-American Big Tech censorship, which he insisted should be imposed on citizens across the globe. 

Big Tech facilitates “disinformation,” the WHO director-general asserted. “[T]hey have also turbo charged the spread of mis- and disinformation, which has contributed to mistrust in vaccines and other health interventions, fuelled stigma and discrimination, and even led to violence against health workers and marginalized groups,” Ghebreyesus hysterically pronounced. Misinformation and disinformation are words often used to refer to free speech with which the left disagrees.

Ghebreyesus also whined that pesky free speech is blocking the enforcement of his policies. “Just as mis- and disinformation undermined the response to the pandemic itself, so it continues to undermine negotiations on the WHO Pandemic Agreement,” he said. The enforcement of such a proposed agreement would supercharge censorship and allow foreign bureaucrats to dictate a U.S. pandemic response. Yet, according to Ghebreyesus, warnings that “national sovereignty” will be destroyed by the WHO treaty are inaccurate and must be targeted online.

The WHO director-general insisted that the solution is Big Tech-government censorship collusion. “To be sure, governments and internet and social media companies have a responsibility to prevent the spread of harmful lies and promote access to accurate health information,” he asserted. “WHO is working with a range of companies and researchers and partners to understand how misinformation and disinformation spreads, who is targeted, how they’re influenced, and what we can do to counter this problem.”

Ghebreyesus’s anti-free speech attitude has been applied before. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, the U.S. government coordinated with social media to censor medical discussions, according to The Twitter Files, a letter from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the Murthy v. Missouri lawsuit.

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