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Online “credibility” arbiter NewsGuard strongly favors an organization that kills babies, declaring abortion giant Planned Parenthood credible. Meanwhile, the rating firm gave very negative ratings to three pro-life outlets.

NewsGuard gave abortion giant Planned Parenthood, infamous for killing the unborn, a positive 75/100 rating. It also gave it the green checkmark of credibility. The ratings firm gives green ratings to sites it deems credible and red ratings to sites it considers lacking in “credibility.”

Planned Parenthood had performed 9 million abortions as of July 2021, meaning it has caused one of the biggest genocides in history, per Human Life International. Yet, NewsGuard gave pro-life LifeNews and Live Action websites negative red “credibility” ratings of 30/100. The rating firm gave LifeSiteNews a 17.5/100. NewsGuard has not rated a number of other pro-life and pro-abortion sites.

Live Action received a rating of 30/100, and NewsGuard specifically downgraded the pro-life site for reportedly exposing corruption in Planned Parenthood. NewsGuard describes Live Action as “an anti-abortion group that has deceptively edited videos and made unsubstantiated health claims, particularly in articles that target Planned Parenthood.” The “nutrition label” from NewsGuard slammed abortion pill reversal practices, which have reportedly saved 2,500 lives as of November 2021.

NewsGuard’s label criticized the reversals as “not based on science,” citing the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, while simultaneously defending the abortion pill. NewsGuard’s “nutrition labels” for Live Action, LifeNews and LifeSiteNews are lengthy arguments against various perspectives published by the pro-life outlets.

In contrast, the “nutrition label” for Planned Parenthood seemingly favors the abortion giant against the evidence of Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted babies’ body parts exposed by journalist David Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress. NewsGuard’s Planned Parenthood label cites the organization’s claim that Daleiden’s videos were “heavily edited.”

NewsGuard claims to assess the accuracy of information presented by sites, yet did not address Planned Parenthood’s claim in its 2019-2020 annual report that only 3 percent of services it provides are “abortion services” in its credibility rating. The deceptive 3 percent claim has previously been thoroughly debunked, including by the New York Post and, and even the liberal Washington Post.

Live Action, LifeNews and LifeSiteNews all received a negative rating from NewsGuard in the category “Does not repeatedly publish false content.” In contrast, MRC Free Speech America found that several communist Chinese state-run media sites were rated credible in that category by NewsGuard. Planned Parenthood also received a green checkmark from NewsGuard for “Does not repeatedly publish false content.”

NewsGuard does not seem to take into account the fact that abortion kills unborn human children, which alone makes the act condemnable.

An MRC Free Speech America study found that NewsGuard’s average ratings for sites AllSides deemed “left” or “lean left” were significantly higher than ratings for “right” or “lean right” outlets.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report on NewsGuard’s clear left-wing bias.