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A senior adviser to former President Donald Trump said that Trump was considering his return to social media. The twist is that this could imply Trump joining an anti-establishment platform or creating his own platform entirely: “all options are on the table.”

Trump senior advisor Jason Miller explained to Breitbart News on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel that Trump is debating multiple options for his grand re-entry to social media. “We’re just kind of figuring out which avenue makes the most sense,” Miller illustrated, noting that Trump’s return to the arena of social media could take many forms:

“Whether that’s joining an existing platform or creating his new platform, there are a number of different options and a number of different meetings that they’ve been having on that front. Nothing is imminent on that.”

Multiple new social media platforms have vied for Trump to join their platform, knowing it would bring a massive fanbase and publicity with it.

Gab founder and CEO Andrew Torba already created an account for Trump to use on Gab. Torba noted in a recent post that Trump’s advisers may be holding the former president back from using the platform:

@realdonaldtrump is and always has been a mirror archive of POTUS’ tweets and statements that we’ve run for years. We've always been transparent about this and would obviously let people know if the President starts using it. The only reason he’s not using it right now to contact his base is because dopey advisers like Jared Kushner, who lost him the election, are blocking him from using it.”

Torba later added in the same post: “We will go on the record stating that we know 100% for a fact that Jared Kushner is actively trying to keep Trump off Gab and has been for weeks. Because Gab is the only safe place left for conservatives that means Kushner is trying to keep Trump off the Internet.”

Meanwhile, negotiations between Trump and free speech platform Parler appear to have fallen through. Ex-Parler CEO John Matze explained to "Axios on HBO" that Parler’s negotiations to bring Trump onto their platform never materialized. "I didn't like the idea of working with Trump, because he might have bullied people inside the company to do what he wanted. But I was worried that if we didn't sign the deal, he might have been vengeful and told his followers to leave Parler," Matze elaborated.

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