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The hypocrisy is clear: Facebook will eliminate fringe supporters of former-President Donald Trump, Antifa radicals get the opposite treatment and get to operate freely on Facebook.

Facebook’s Newsroom released an update proclaiming it had purged dangerous groups, but far-left orgs reportedly tied to violence continue to operate unimpeded. “From August to November 30, 2020, we removed about 3,200 Pages, 18,800 groups, 100 events, 23,300 Facebook profiles and 7400 Instagram accounts for violating our policy against militarized social movements,” Facebook touted in its Jan. 19 blog. The same blog, “An Update to How We Address Movements and Organizations Tied to Violence,” declared: “we also removed about 3,000 Pages, 9,800 groups, 420 events, 16,200 Facebook profiles, and 25,000 Instagram accounts for violating our policy against QAnon.”

Facebook’s refusal to take action on Antifa groups is especially egregious when considering how their violence has been widely reported. “Antifa protesters in Portland clashed with authorities Wednesday as they gathered to voice dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden, forcing officers to retreat and taking at least one police bicycle, authorities said,” Fox News reported early Jan. 21. The same article summarized: “In total, 15 adults were arrested for crimes ranging from rioting and possession of a destructive device, reckless burning, and attempted assault of a public safety officer, according to authorities.”

Despite Facebook’s boasting about cracking down on “Organizations Tied to Violence,” Facebook has refused to take action on Antifa groups called out by both the Media Research Center and the liberal media.

Facebook has allowed Antifa to openly organize on pages. In one particularly foul example, an Antifa page administrator fantasized about the possibility of then-President Donald Trump being assasinated. One administrator for Western New York Anti-Fascist Action wrote in a comment that assassinations of American presidents have “happened not once, not twice, but four times already.”

Other Antifa organizations, such as Rose City Antifa, have been called out by The Washington Post in a photo caption for allegedly assaulting Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo. Other groups, such as Antifa-related activist organization “All Out DC” reportedly spread posters with the personal information of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, in an effort to “Block the Alt-Right.” Tucker Carlson claimed that Smash Racism DC had “[broken] his oak door and one person mentioned a pipe bomb, as heard on a security video,” USA Today summarized. Both pages remain on Facebook.

Facebook also allowed Shut Down DC and Sunrise DC to post the purported private address of U.S. Sen. Lindsay Graham’s (R-SC) on a Facebook event page to organize protests and harass.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Facebook's leadership by contacting Facebook headquarters at 1-650-308- 7300 or 1-650-543-4800 and demand that Facebook not permit this type of behavior on its platform. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form to be included in our database, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.