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Twitch, the platform for watching internet celebrities broadcast as they play video games, has once again updated its policies to cater to the liberal agenda.

Video game broadcasting website Twitch explained in a blog, Dec. 9: “Today, we’re introducing an updated Hateful Conduct and Harassment Policy.” The same blog explained: “This new policy will take effect on January 22, 2021. Content created on or after January 22 will be evaluated under the new guidelines.” 

Offenses range from unwanted compliments on “attractiveness” to Confederate flags. If that weren’t enough, Twitch has also declared that it will allow double-standards on slurs based upon who is using them.

In what some may consider hilarious, Twitch declared that unwanted compliments are unacceptable: 

“Repeatedly commenting on someone’s perceived attractiveness, even in what you believe to be a positive or complimentary manner, is prohibited if there is indication that it’s unwelcome (i.e. you’ve been asked to stop, timed-out, or channel-banned).”

American Civil War enthusiasts were also put on notice. The blog made abundantly clear that “Given its historic and symbolic association with slavery and white supremacist groups in the US, displaying the Confederate flag is prohibited.”

That said, some open slurs are apparently OK, but only if said by the right individual and in the right way. “After consultation with a number of diversity & inclusivity academics,” the Twitch blog explained, “we have decided to allow the use of some terms that may otherwise be viewed as slurs so as not to alienate or limit the expression of communities on Twitch.”

Twitch apparently wanted to add to its  history of liberal pandering in the past year. 

The company appointed a transgender streamer in mid-May who identifies as a deer among its “Safety Advisory Council.”

Steph “FerociouslySteph” Loehr, who the Anti-Defamation League listed as a “Professional Community Leader,” was the center of controversy. Loehr warned in a clip that “I have power,” and that “there are some people that should be afraid of me. And that they are, because I represent moderation and diversity, and I’m gonna come for hurtful, harmful people. If you’re a really shitty person, I’m going to stand up against you. Period. And Twitch has endorsed me to do that.”

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