On Monday December 8 ABC offered a
Primetime Special: Whos to Blame? Obesity in America: How to Get
Fat Without Really Trying. Peter Jennings advanced the notion that
assigning personal responsibility is the problem, not the solution.
Americans, Jennings insists, are in the grip of an obesity
epidemic and added that no one wants to be [overweight]yet, he
continued, old and young Americans are getting fatter and fatter
and fatter. And with a little help from some friends, Jennings let
Americans know that fat is just not their fault. Instead Jennings
blamed government and the food industry for first making it possible
by producing an abundance of food, and then stimulating obesity by
encouraging us to consume.
Jennings interviewed 13
individuals on camera for his story. Eight individuals provided
commentary that supported the contention that government policies
and food industry practices have, in the words of Peter Jennings,
helped to make America fat. Their commentary provided the dominant
context for the program, and constituted some 63 percent of the
direct quotations aired.
Five individuals were either neutral,
(weakly) defended food industry practices, or argued that personal
responsibility and free choice should be protected. They supplied a
total of 27 quotes; thats a little more than a third of the
substantive discussion of Jennings propositions.
Individuals from
the Center for Science in the Public Interest were the principal
contributors to the program. CSPI supplied its Executive Director,
Michael Jacobson and its Nutrition Policy Director, Margo Wootan
who, between them, provided 12 quotes, or 16 percent of the on air
discussion. They argued forcefully that the obesity epidemic, the
existence of which is a given so far as they are concerned, is the
fault of the food industry. Jennings did not see fit to mention the
fact that CSPI enjoys a long-established reputation as an anti
industry consumer advocate earning its living advancing the
agendas of its radical funding sources by promoting draconian
regulation and scaring the public. CSPI is funded by anti industry
foundations such as the Beldon Fund and its supporters get what they
pay forquotes like this one from Wootan: [Food industry] pricing
practices make a compelling case for requiring fast-food and other
chain restaurants to disclose calories right on their menus. Or
this, in response to a series of bills introduced into consideration
by the Maine legislature that would ban sales of soda and junk food
in schools, require calorie labeling on chain restaurant menus, and
promote transportation policies that encourage walking, biking, and
other forms of exercise: This type of comprehensive legislation is
exactly what states should be doing to reverse the obesity
epidemic, said Margo Wootan, CSPIs director of nutrition policy.
The Maine legislation will make it easier for people to eat well,
be physically active, and maintain a healthy weight. Maines figured
out that doing nothing about obesity is a prohibitively expensive
option. That quote was contained in a press release from CSPI back
in February and discloses that CSPI is hardly open minded when it
comes to placing blame for the obesity epidemica term it has
helped invent.
Jacobson and Wootan were joined in ABCs indictment
of agricultural subsidies and food industry practices by Marion
Nestle, a professor from New York University, who is the leading
proponent of the conspiracy theory linking agricultural subsidies,
overproduction of food, low food prices and convenience as
contributing causes of the obesity epidemic.
Peter Jennings and
ABC aired a broadcast that was not an investigation but an editorial
providing a carefully scripted promotion of the views of CSPI and
its allies.
ABC and Jennings Relieve Us of Any Responsibility
Now we know, Jennings said, blaming the government because so many
people are overweight, way overweight in many cases, will be
rejected by those who say that personal health and well-being are a
matter of personal responsibility. We were inclined to that point of
view. But no more, apparently. Jennings statement followed a
couple of quotes by the two individuals who are the most visible and
articulate advocates of a government solution to the obesity
epidemic they have helped ensconce in the publics imagination.
They are Jacobson and Nestle who announced with total conviction
that were encouraged to eat junk food (Jacobson); and we have
government policies that promote overeating, from the beginning to
the end of the food chain (Nestle). The theory, as they express it
and Jennings buys it, is that because America is so good at
producing an overabundance of food, an innocent public has no choice
but to eat every last bit of it and grow fat in the process.
project, Jennings proclaims, has proved to us that the processed
food industry and the government know full-well what is happening.
And they are making a bad situation worse. After hearing that
American agriculture is the envy of the world, as Professor Jim
Tillitson of tufts University puts it, Jennings says that success
has unintended consequences since American farmers producevastly
more food than America needs. Abundance has become the enemy.
Jennings goes on to state that agricultural subsidies began as an
FDR era policy that simply has never ended. Not many people in
government have made the connection between subsidies to agriculture
and obesity, says Jennings, but there is one and its very
important. And you dont have to take his word for it.
Not when
Jennings can turn to CSPIs Jacobson to prove that contention. Does
the government take dietary guidelines and nutritional concerns into
consideration when its making those grants? Jennings asks. And
Jacobson announces, without any substantiation, that there is no
concern on the part of the government for public health whatever.
Jennings asks the individual he calls The Bush Administrations man
in charge of public health, Health and Human Services Secretary
Tommy Thompson whether Thompson sees any connection between the
Federal governments agricultural subsidy programs and nutrition.
At this point Jennings establishes a pattern that is repeated
throughout the broadcast. Statements favorable to the position that
the obesity epidemic is the fault of the food industry and/or
government policies go unchallenged. Any contention that is not the
case is met with hostility.
Making a Connection
Thompson admits
that subsidy programs are not part of an overall strategy, as far
as nutrition is concerned. Jennings presses Thompson on the point
that there is a connection between the money which government gives
to agriculture and nutrition. Do you see a connection? Jennings
Thompsons response seems somewhat out of context, in that
he talks about subsidizing particular things and products that
are not good for nutrition. We wonder just how particular crops,
like corn and soybeans can, in and of themselves, be bad for
nutrition. We dont have to wait long for ABC and Jennings to
enlighten us.
Jennings queries Tom Stenzel, from the United Fresh
Fruit and Vegetable Association, whom he asks how much of total
federal agricultural subsidies goes towards fruit and vegetables,
both production and promotion? Stenzel insists that less than one
percent of farm subsidies support fruit and vegetables. Jennings
then uses an interpretation of the USDAs food pyramid and
subsidies data from that less-than-sterling example of scientific
integritythe Environmental Working Group (EWG)to buttress the
conclusion that federal policies have been fattening Americans
Since 1995, meat and dairy got about three times the
subsidies of grains.[And] sugars, fats, the foods government says
we should eat least, got about 20 times more subsidies than fruits
and vegetables, according to Jennings and the EWG. Try as we might,
we could not find a single subsidy entitled fat at the EWG
Corn is to Blame
Jennings focuses the most intense
criticism on government subsidies for corn, which he calls the most
heavily-subsidized crop in America. Jennings also labeled corn
cheap, raw material for the giant food industry. And he allows
CSPIs Jacobson to allege that subsidized cornholds down the costs
of meat and encourages Americans to eat more meat. And in what is
perhaps the most gratuitous comment of the program, Jennings blurts:
Of course, beef cattle were never intended to eat corn. And so,
they have to be given all sorts of antibiotics to keep them
healthy. That is a vast oversimplification, but it serves Jennings
effort to disparage corn. He goes on to identify another principal
cause of the obesity epidemic, popcorn: If you want to see more
directly how farm subsidies can lead to obesity, there is no better
place than your local theater. The popcorn you eat [there] is made
with subsidized corn, says Jennings.
Popcorn is so cheap, he
continues, that the bag it comes in costs more than the popcorn.
And Jennings transforms the theater popcorn into the metaphor for
his programs explanation of the obesity epidemic: cheap corn is a
basic ingredient for a processed foodpopcornthat we find
irresistible. We top that processed food with subsidized vegetable
oil and then wash it down with soda thats sweetened with high
fructose corn syrup thats in candy and pretzels and some hotdogs,
Jennings might just as well ask Tommy Thompson why the
government is forcing us to subsist on a diet of candy, pretzels,
hotdogs and soda: Do you believe we should plant less corn and more
fruits and vegetables? And when Thompson demurs on the idea of
direct government control of agricultural output, Jennings allows
Professor Nestle to allege that the government already controls the
way food is grown, processed and consumed in this country.
Theres That Soy Beans Problem
Jennings then enlightens us to
another example of massive government subsidy which contributes to
obesity, soybeans. For the part of the public who thought soy was
the ingredient in those tofu burgers and meat substitutes
health-conscious individuals consumed, Jennings says think again:
Most of the soy that people eat is not in its healthy form, such as
soy protein, but in the form of oil, including cooking oil and
margarine. Jennings indicts soybean oil as the largest source of
added fats in the American diet; then without a whit of
substantiation alleges that the Department of Agriculture says that
nearly twice the number of acres of fruits and vegetables would have
to be planted for Americans to follow a healthy diet.
is not beyond asking leading questions to frame the debate: Why do
you think fruits and vegetables get so little support from the
Federal government? When he is told by a self-serving fruit and
vegetable lobbyist that other divisions of the food industry
(Jennings words) are better lobbyists, and then Nestle suggests
that huge Agra-business companiesgive the largest campaign
contributions to members of Congress, the web is complete.
Jennings disparages the symbols of agricultural abundance that we
see in the nations capitol. They are not good things, portraying
as they do Americas wonderful agricultural heritage and progress,
but are only reminders of how important subsidies are in the
political system and how hard it will be to change that, whatever
the impact on the nations health.
Jennings even goes so far as
to accuse Congress of subsidizing the wrong foods. He challenges
Thompson again: Why do you think no one in government has made the
connection between agricultural policy and obesity?
When Thompson
counter punches and accuses Jennings of painting a picture of an
agricultural policy that has been set up in some insidious way to
subsidize things that are gonna be bad for our health, Jennings
feigns offense and then puts words in Tommy Thompsons mouth:
didnt suggest it was insidious. Im suggesting that there is a
possibility that government subsidizes more food which, as you would
say, as the countrys leading health officer, is bad for us, and
subsidizes less those foods which you would tell us are good for us
and we should eat. At no point does Jennings or his allies in the
blame game suggest that the federal government should simply stop
interfering in the marketplace and let the forces of demand and
supply take their natural course.
Why No Obesity Candidate?
there was any doubt that Jennings is advancing government and
political solutions to a problem he and his food police allies
champion, he dispels it: With so many voters in the country
desperately trying to lose weight, you might think some clever
politician would devise an Ill make you thinner platform. It
would at least question for the first time, how Federal agricultural
policy helps make us fat.
The remainder of the program is a
platform from which the likes of Nestle, Wootan and Jacobson indict,
try and convict the American food industry:
Nestle: The cheapness
of the food ingredients encourages the food industry to produce
processed foods that sit on supermarket shelves, have very cheap
ingredients, and can be sold at high prices because theyre
branded. No consideration from this expert of the possibility
that should those foods, no matter how cheap, simply sit on
supermarket shelves rather than appeal to consumers who purchase
them, they will soon cease to be produced. We know of no marketing
experts willing to argue that branding is sufficient to warrant
high prices. Besides, Nestle and Jennings earlier argued that
cheap food was the problem. Which is it?
Jacobson, another pop
marketing expert, informs Jennings viewers that processed foods
aremade fromsugar, water, flour, starch, fat, artificial colorings
and flavorings. Yum; he goes on to stateJennings doesnt raise an
eyebrowthat the food is nothing. Its the processing. Thats where
the profits are. Confused? Jennings isnt.
Jennings, in fact,
agrees: A typical supermarket may have thirty, forty, fifty
thousand products, most of [which are] processed food made with
government subsidized ingredients. In 2002 supermarkets sold $174
billion worth of processed food. We have to wonder just how
Jennings defines processed food, or even the term most, because
according to the Food Marketing Institute, 2002 total supermarket
revenues were $411.8 billion. And, since Jennings alleged total
dollar figure for processed food sales in 2002 constituted less than
43 percent of supermarket revenues, well, you get the point.
Jennings next indicts the packaged food industry stating that
one thing is absolutely clear. The vast majority of products
introduced by the industry in recent years are foods that Americans
should be eating less. According to whom? Well, CSPIs Jacobson, of
And Jennings adds that last year there were more than
2,800 new candies, desserts, ice creams and snacks, and [only] 230
[of those were] new fruit or vegetable products.
We were looking
at the mix of products your industry has introduced in the past 10
or 15 years; it looks like you are giving people a greater choice of
food which government mostly thinks are unhealthy for them. And less
choice of those which are healthy for them, Jennings said to Chip
Kunde of the Grocery Manufacturers of America, clearly not even
considering Kunde might want to offer a rebuttal to his charge.
Forget Personal Choice
As for personal choice, heres the telling
Jennings introduced Rick Berman of the Center for
Consumer Freedom, which, Jennings points out, is funded by the
restaurant industry. They have been running advertisements
criticizing those who criticize the food industry. Actually the
Center for Consumer Freedom has aired several very clever ads
pointing out the absurdity of tort lawyers filing lawsuits against
food producers and retailers on behalf of obese victims.
What the food companies are doing is just responding to consumer
Jennings: Is it, as far as youre concerned, entirely a
matter of personal choice and not at all a matter of marketing?
He answers his own question: Of course what you eat is a personal
decision. The overweight and obesity epidemics are a result of
people choosing to eat more, eat larger portions, and eat more
often. Americans are choosing foods with more sweeteners and more
calories. They are drinking more sodas, eating more candy, and
snacking all day long. Following that sweeping generalization,
Jennings needs confirmation of his bias:
So he asks Nestle, Do
you think the food industry is simply giving people the products
they want?
Nestle responds that the focus should not be placed on
personal choice but instead on the marketing efforts of the food
industry. She blames convenience, among other things, and indicts
the food industry for deliberately trying to sell more food.
Jennings then goes right at Kunde: In the last 20 years, you have
increased the size of your products. You have increased the number
of products you introduce. You have increased the marketing of your
products. Are these not strategies designed to get people to eat
Rather than simply replying Duh! the representative of
the Grocery Manufacturers of America says No, and then assures
Jennings that the manufacturers are willing to make sure that what
theyre offering fits into peoples healthy diets. So much for
personal responsibility after all.
Diet and Exercise Are Just Pat
Jennings and his cohorts try to put the final nail in the
coffin of personal responsibility by dismissing diets and exercise
as merely a convenient answer to obesity for the food industry.
Jacobson: Obesitys not going to be solved through sheer physical
activity.We should do that. But thats only part of the battle.
Jennings then informs his viewers that You have to walk for six
hours to burn off a super-sized meal at McDonalds. After
demonstrating that exercise clearly has an extremely important role
to play, Jennings states: Its hard to see how exercise alone is
the solution to obesity. We dont recall anyone suggesting that.
And, in a nutshell, whats wrong with the Primetime special is
Jennings attempts to cast a complex situation in simplistic terms;
to find convenient villains responsible for the obesity of
individuals who eat too much, exercise too little, and might prefer
not to take personal responsibility for their condition.
-- Paul F. Stifflemire, Jr.
Have Another Helping Of Obesity!
suggested reading