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The media want to ignore Hillary Clinton and the Russian uranium deal because “it defies what they want to talk about,” according to MRC’s Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor.

Appearing on Fox and Friends Sunday on Oct. 22, to discuss the broadcast networks lack of coverage, Gainor said the media were treating the scandal “like it’s radioactive.”

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Gainor pointed out that The Hill broke the story about millions of dollars from Russia going to the Clinton Foundation and former President Bill Clinton being paid a half million dollars for a speaking engagement in Russia — but many other media outlets refuse to cover the story.

After the hosts asked why the media will focus on the alleged Trump/Russia scandal but are avoiding a Clinton/Russia story Gainor explained.

“You look at the media coverage of Russia through summer, ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows did 415 minutes on the Russia scandal, but 94 percent of it was negative,” Gainor said. “And so if you start throwing in things that would make Trump look good, because basically we’ve finally — we can point fingers at one of the presidential candidates linked to Russia scandal. It’s not Trump, it’s Hillary and they don’t want to talk about it.”