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The Dakota Access pipeline has attracted a host of liberal protesters including Black Lives Matter, in addition to the many Native American groups upset by the pipeline’s proximity to their lands.

Over Labor Day weekend, protesters trespassed by entering the construction area, confronted security — some even threw rocks at security — and vandalized equipment.

Left-wing journalist Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! reported from the pipeline protests on Sept. 3, and was on site as pipeline protesters crossed a fence a confronted bulldozers and security personnel.

In her own video from Sept. 3, Goodman is visible with protesters, interviewing them as they opposed security officers and eventually forced the security to leave the property. At one point, protesters are seen throwing rocks at security.

Based on that video Morton County issued an arrest warrant for Goodman for criminal trespassing, Huffington Post reported on Sept. 10.

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North and South Dakota has opposed the oil pipeline, fearing it will contaminate the Missouri River. They sued the Army Corp of Engineers in July to stop it, according to The Wall Street Journal.

On Sept. 12, Goodman aired another report bragging about her reporting of the protest violence which “went viral” and saying she was charged with a misdemeanor trespassing offence.

“Democracy Now! is consulting with attorneys in North Dakota as well as at the Center for Constitutional Rights. CCR Legal Director Baher Azmy said, This is clearly a violation of the First Amendment … an attempt to repress this important political movement by silencing media coverage,’” Goodman said.

According to the Journal, a federal judge ruled against the tribe in the lawsuit, but federal agencies announced a halt to construction near the Sioux reservation pending a review this fall.

The industry says the Dakota Access pipeline is necessary.

"Infrastructure plays a critical role in maintaining and growing America's energy renaissance and it's important that our energy infrastructure is able to meet the needs of consumers and our growing economy,"said American Petroleum Institute president and CEO Jack Gerard according to UPI.