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The eco fanatics over at The Associated Press are trying to have their cake and eat it too by screeching “climate change” to explain both freezing and warm weather happening simultaneously around the world.

AP’s climate agitprop artist-in-chief Seth Borenstein ran another one of his signature environmentalist specials with a headline that was nothing short of comical: “US in deep freeze while much of the world is extra toasty? Yet again, it’s climate change.”

Borenstein must have realized that his headline was contradictory because he tried to explain it away in the first paragraph of his piece: “Much of the United States is shivering through brutal cold as most of the rest of the world is feeling unusually warm weather.”

Then came the kicker: “However strange it sounds, that contradiction fits snugly in explanations of what climate change is doing to Earth, scientists said.” founder Steve Milloy ripped Borenstein’s ridiculous take in comments to MRC Business. “The climate hoax has always been based on ‘say anything’ science and that’s exactly the position the hoaxers have been placed in with the present brutally cold weather,” Milloy rebuked.

Borenstein continued: “If it seems as if the world has gone topsy-turvy, in a way it has.” He proceeded to blame the contradictory phenomenon on alleged warming in the Arctic destabilizing the polar vortex: “Because this all comes from what’s happening in the Arctic, where it used to be warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Now, it’s warming three to four times faster.”

Milloy retorted that this is a “long debunked hypothesis” brought about by an AP activist masquerading as a journalist who “has a long history of uncritically parroting climate alarmists.” Milloy rebuffed Borenstein’s argument:

Borenstein suggests that warming has somehow destabilized the usual circular Arctic wind pattern (polar vortex) diverting the cold weather across the Northern Hemisphere. But these sorts of diversions have always happened and are not new. Moreover, if warming diverted the polar vortex, the effect would be stronger in summer. But that is not what is observed. Borenstein’s assertion that the Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the planet is also not supported by credible temperature data. Current Arctic sea ice extent is the same as 2006 despite a trillion tons of emissions. Greenland has not lost any ice over the same time period.

But Borenstein’s contradiction for the sake of peddling his climate change brainwashing is typical for a so-called “unbiased” news organization that’s getting millions in funding from climate-obsessed interest groups. This effectively made the AP a propaganda arm of the climate change lobby. 

One of its most recently disclosed financiers, the radical KR Foundation, openly boasts of how it’s “[s]upporting a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels.” The Denmark-based organization is financing the equivalent of roughly $300,000 to AP spread out between the years 2022 and 2024 for its Global Scholars Network. 

Moreover, KR is specifically leading an effort to drive U.S. banks out of fossil fuels. It particularly bemoaned how the rise of the “anti-ESG” movement was allegedly causing “many financial institutions to backpedal on their climate ambitions.”

Of course, AP buried a vague disclosure about the glaring conflict of interest at the bottom of Borenstein's report. AP even undercut its own disclosure by claiming that it was "solely responsible for all content."  Yeah, sure. 

No wonder AP is willing to push out nonsensical climate change hot takes, even at the sake of looking like it contradicts itself: The media outlet is getting paid a fortune to be a mouthpiece for the eco-activist left.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact the Associated Press at 212-621-1500 and demand it quit acting like a mouthpiece for its eco-extremist donors.