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George Soros is at it again. The leftist billionaire dumped a new batch of cash into a far-left group that is behind efforts to stoke anti-police hatred.

Data from Soros-funded ProPublica showed that Soros donated $1 million to the radical group Color of Change PAC. The Soros super PAC, Democracy PAC, also fueled  $2,500,000 into the group during the 2020 electoral cycle. Color of Change PAC is currently behind a disgusting petition called “Cut Ties With The [Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)].” FOP is self-described as “the voice of our nation’s law enforcement officers.” Color of Change PAC spewed metaphorical bile that the FOP was “the deadliest frat in the world.” [Emphasis added.]

The goal of Color of Change PAC’s campaign is to pressure elected officials to refuse any support from FOP and police unions that it claims encourages “violence”:

We call on elected leaders across the nation to return and refuse political donations from police unions and the Fraternal Order of Police that have excused, defended and encouraged police violence for decades.

The group’s statement on the petition issued an absurd ultimatum to elected leaders: “The time has come for these officials to make a choice: you are either with the people, or you are in support of systemic police violence and mass incarceration.”

Soros’s funding of the Color of Change apparatus goes far beyond its super PAC variant. His Open Society Foundations (OSF) funded the affiliated nonprofit group Color of Change with at least $1,400,000 between 2018 and 2019 alone.

Liberal outlet Politico praised Color of Change’s anti-police efforts in a grotesque piece in September 2020, headlined “New racial justice target: Defund the police foundations.” The sub-headline was just as bad: “Racial justice advocates are calling on corporations to sever their relationships with police foundations.”

Politico’s propaganda knew no bounds. The outlet lauded Color of Change as having “a long record of challenging corporate America for practices that it sees as perpetuating racism in the U.S.”

Soros funding an anti-police hate group is par for the course. OSF announced last year it was allocating $220 million toward so-called “racial justice.” In a statement, Soros exploited severe racial tensions to accuse the U.S. of harboring systemic racism:

We recognize that the struggle to dismantle systemic racism is an ongoing one; it has existed from the dawn of the republic to the present day, and is embedded in every level of government and in our penal and justice systems.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818-460-7477), CBS News (212-975-3247) and NBC News (212- 664-6192) and demand they report on Soros funding a radical anti-police group.