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A coalition of three conservative groups launched a multimillion dollar ad campaign to expose to America why President Joe Biden’s inaugural call for “unity” was a leftist joke.

The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), Heritage Action for America, and Americans for Public Trust released three ads revealing Biden’s gaslighting on “unity.” That theoretical call was undercut by the extreme liberal agenda of his policy and personnel choices. Politico reported that one of the ads highlight “the role ‘dark money’ played in electing Biden as well as shaping his Cabinet and policies.” The liberal outlet described the campaign as “biting.” 

Bloomberg News admitted last month that about $145 million in “dark money” helped paved Biden’s path to the White House. This was more than five times the $28.4 million in “dark money” spent for former President Donald Trump.

Politico said the new conservative effort was intended to torpedo the “confirmations of Vanita Gupta, Biden’s nominee for associate attorney general, and Xavier Becerra, the Democratic attorney general of California and nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services.”

An ad by Americans for Public Trust focused on Biden and “dark money.” It pointed out how his Chief of Staff Ron Klain previously served on the board of directors for left-wing “dark money group” Center for American Progress Action Fund. The record of climate advisor Gina McCarthy was also exposed in the “dark money” ad. “Liberals spent a record amount of dark money to elect Biden. Now, they are cashing in,” the ad said.



An ad by JCN headlined “Dangerous Appointee” was tailored toward Gupta. The biggest controversy revealed in the ad involved Gupta’s support for communities looking to defund their police departments. The former civil rights chief at the Department of Justice had stated in 2020 that “[p]olice reform alone is not going to solve the problem of police violence.” Another controversy in the ad involved Gupta’s recent advocacy as President and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to reduce sentences for violent criminals. [Emphasis added.]

The ad said that as murder rates are rising, Gupta was a “dangerous appointee at a dangerous time.”



The last ad headlined “Not the Right Choice,” by Heritage Action, specifically targeted HHS appointee Becerra. The ad pointed out how Becerra had sued the Little Sisters of the Poor over their religious opposition to the contraception mandate in ObamaCare as the California Attorney General. The ad also noted Becerra’s support for government-run, single-payer health care and decriminalizing illegal immigration. The ad called Becerra the “wrong appointee at the wrong time” in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.



Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818-460-7477), CBS News (212-975-3247) and NBC News (212- 664-6192) and demand they report fairly on Biden’s connections to dark money and Gupta and Becerra’s leftist agendas.