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Federal Election Commission (FEC) records revealed that liberal billionaire globalist George Soros gave $1 million through his super PAC to a major Big Tech scheme to oust President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

A recent report showed that Democratic super PAC Future Forward was quietly unleashing a barrage of television spending in the last weeks of the presidential race in order to try to defeat Trump. The group is backed by some of Silicon Valley’s biggest donors. Vox Recode had reported that the super PAC was “spending more than $100 million on television and digital in the final month of the campaign — more than any other group — on behalf of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden outside of the Biden campaign itself.”

FEC records show that the Soros super PAC, Democracy PAC, had given Future Forward at least $1 million in July. Recode said the spending by Future Forward “figures among one of the most expensive and aggressive plays yet by tech billionaires.” 

These “tech billionaires” included Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

Democracy PAC has been funded by another Soros group, Fund for Policy Reform, with at least $72 million between January and September of this year. Democracy PAC has since used this funding to fuel leftist groups with enough cash to launch disgusting anti-Trump attack ads across the country. The monetary alliance between Soros and a Big Tech effort to attack Trump using a similar advertising strategy is even more concerning.

Throughout this year alone, Democracy PAC has since contributed millions to leftist groups like: Priorities USA Action ($5 million), American Bridge 21st Century PAC ($2 million),and the radical abortion group NARAL Freedom Fund ($1 million). Each had been exploiting the coronavirus to attack Trump with vicious TV advertising. 

On multiple occasions this year, Priorities USA Action’s anti-Trump ads led all coronavirus ads aired on TV with thousands of airings combined. The ads exploited the pandemic to attack Trump with propaganda, and even misleading statements in some instances.

In April, the Trump campaign sued a Wisconsin television station for running a Priorities USA Action ad laced with misleading statements. The ad with the spot title “Exponential Threat” alleged “the president called the coronavirus a ‘hoax,’” according to The Hill April 13. “Fact-checkers have said it’s wrong to claim that Trump called the virus a hoax, noting that the president’s full quote shows he was describing Democratic efforts to politicize the virus.”

Soros stated earlier this year that the pandemic was providing a “revolutionary moment” for his radical politics.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818-460-7477), CBS News (212-975-3247) and NBC News (212- 664-6192) and demand they cover Soros and his leftist, globalist agenda.