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Politico seems to be getting into the habit of hyping up radical leftist groups tied to liberal billionaire George Soros looking to sway American politics.

This time, Politico elevated a group trying to derail President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

The outlet’s September 29 puff story, pushed in its lede paragraph how “Demand Justice, a liberal group that focuses on judicial reform, will launch a seven-figure ad buy Tuesday, the latest effort in what's shaping up to be an increasingly expensive Supreme Court fight.” What Politico failed to note is that the nonprofit Demand Justice (DJ), led by CNN and MSNBC contributor and former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, is a project of the leftist dark money group Sixteen Thirty Fund (the Fund). Soros’s Open Society Policy Center has funneled at least $6,968,483 into the Fund between 2016-2018 alone, according to the Open Society Foundations website. Influence Watch noted that the Fund is “the fiscal sponsor of Demand Justice.” [Emphasis Added.]

The National Council of Nonprofits defines “A fiscal sponsor” as “a nonprofit organization that provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to help build the capacity of charitable projects.” The “charitable project” for the Sixteen Thirty Fund in this case is Demand Justice.

What’s ironic is that it was Politico that had made the connection between the two groups and Soros last year. The Sixteen Thirty Fund had spent $141 million in 2018 on “efforts ranging from fighting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other Trump judicial nominees to boosting ballot measures raising the minimum wage and changing laws on voting and redistricting in numerous states,” the outlet reported in 2019. In that story headlined “Documents reveal massive ‘dark-money’ group boosted Democrats in 2018,” Politico wrote: 

Demand Justice, the courts-focused group helmed by former Hillary Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon, also ran out of Sixteen Thirty Fund. Demand Justice spent millions of dollars on TV ads as Democrats tried to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the Supreme Court in 2018. More recently, the group projected a video of Christine Blasey Ford accusing Kavanaugh of assault on the side of a truck outside a Washington gala where Kavanaugh was speaking, [emphasis added]. 

Also, concerning Soros, Politico stated in 2019: “the Democratic donor group Democracy Alliance, which has dozens of members including billionaire George Soros, recommended last spring that donors invest several million dollars into Sixteen Thirty Fund, according to documents obtained at the time by POLITICO.” 

The outlet ignored mentioning any of this context in its latest propaganda piece promoting Demand Justice.

"The ad will go up nationally, as well as air in Iowa, Arizona, North Carolina and Colorado, all states with competitive Senate races in November,” Politico said. Also, “The ad, which will air just ahead of Tuesday’s presidential debate, cites recent polling that demonstrates the majority of Americans want the Supreme Court seat filled after the Nov. 3 election and accuses Republicans of ‘rushing to play politics with the court’ amid the pandemic.”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Politico at 703-647-7999 and demand it report accurately on Soros’s ties to leftist groups trying to derail Judge Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination.