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Liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations are looking to capitalize on the riots, looting and racial unrest by announcing a massive multimillion-dollar initiative to promote so-called "racial equality."

The New York Times devoured the story like a 5-year old on a sugar binge.

The Times squawked the news in a piece headlined, “George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push.” National political reporter Astead Herndon drooled how Soros’s leftist philanthropy will “immediately reshape the landscape of Black political and civil rights organizations.” Herndon also squealed how Open Society Foundations’s $220 million involvement “signals the extent to which race and identity have become the explicit focal point of American politics in recent years, with no sign of receding.”

Herndon said Soros’s announcement was an outgrowth of the “national protests for racial equality and calls for police reform ignited by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.”

As is typical of liberal Times pieces, Herndon didn’t mention anything about the violent, leftist riots that have ripped through the U.S. in past weeks. Much of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, according to The Wall Street Journal, is in “ruins,” which Herndnon also ignored.

Herndon also tried to insulate Soros from pending criticism from conservatives who question his involvement by hurling arbitrary accusations of anti-Semitism. That had nothing to do with the story. Herndon wrote on two separate instances in his piece:

  1. “Mr. Soros, who has at times faced smears and anti-Semitism over his role as a liberal megadonor, is also positioning his foundation near the forefront of the protest movement.”

  2. “Mr. Soros has become a favorite target of some conservatives and right-wing groups, which have sometimes used anti-Semitic tropes to try to recast his giving as an effort to seek world influence.” 

Herndon even took some time to do a bit of juicy PR for Democratic candidates, including presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden:

Even before Monday’s announcement, progressive groups, Democratic candidates and racial justice organizations had been flooded with small-dollar donations, breaking giving records and allowing former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. as well as House and Senate candidates to post eye-popping fund-raising numbers.

Herndon continued, crowing: “It is the convergence of an election year in which Democrats are desperate to defeat President Trump with an extraordinary protest movement that has pushed many to action, changing public opinion among white Americans and ideological moderates in the process.”

Herndon dribbled in his conclusion that “Mr. Soros and his foundation have helped answer the question of whether the social justice groups that have dominated the current moment are here to stay.”