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Liberal megadonor George Soros believes the arc of history doesn’t bend on its own, so he’s actively engaged in working to bend it.

An Oct. 25, New York Times propaganda piece headlined “George Soros Has Enemies. He’s Fine With That,” drooled over “liberal champion” Soros’ current perspectives on our country’s state of affairs, his suggestions for policymaking, his 2020 election predictions and his hatred of President Donald Trump. And buried at the bottom of the piece, is a disturbing statement made by the globalist: “‘The arc of history doesn’t follow its own course. It needs to be bent,’ he said. ‘I am really engaged in trying to bend it in the right direction.’”

The liberal megadonor stated that he was proud of the enemies he’s had, and he suggested that “[i]t’s a perfect way to tell a dictator or a would-be dictator if he identifies me as an enemy.” He even called Trump an “aberration.”

Soros was also cited favoring a “tax on the rich,” including a “wealth tax.” This is in line with some of the policies proposed by Democratic Party presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), whom Soros predicted would become the eventual Democratic Party nominee. “‘She has emerged as the clear-cut person to beat,’ he said. ‘I don’t take a public stance, but I do believe that she is the most qualified to be president.’”

The Times also noted Soros’ counterfactual batting away of the influence and political power he and others on Wall Street often have had ascribed to them, saying, “There are more Main Streets in America than there are Wall Streets. So I don’t think that Wall Street, other than being a source of money, will have its way in choosing the president.”

Though that certainly did not stop Soros from attempting to influence who became U.S. president in the past.

The Washington Post reported that Soros had given $1.5 million to pro-Obama super PACs in 2012. Politico reported Jan. 31, 2016 that Soros had donated $8 million to boost then-Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


In 2019, Soros launched a new super PAC, Democracy PAC, fueled by $5.1 million cash, which, according to a July 31 Politico article, indicated that he “may be poised to spend heavily in the 2020 elections.” Soros is also currently the second-highest contributor to outside spending groups this election cycle, according to Open Secrets. In 2018, Soros was listed by Open Secrets as the seventh-highest federal contributor, having given $20,135,586 exclusively to Democrats and liberals.

Soros recently added gun-control lobbying to his repertoire, having spent upward of $8 million this year alone on lobbying. It was also discovered in September that 22 of the partners who supported the infamous Global Climate Strike had been given at least $24 million by Soros’ Open Society Network.

It’s a wonder why The Times neglected to report any of this in their Oct. 25 article.

While The Times accused critics of Soros of being “conspiracy theorists,” it gave paltry credence to legitimate criticisms of the megadonor’s cash and what it has been funding over the years. The Times noted the following about his critics:

“Their objections to Mr. Soros, 89, stem from his backing of liberal causes and super PACs that opposed Mr. Trump and supported Democratic candidates like Hillary Clinton, and his Open Society Foundation, which, funded by his billions, has supported democracy and human rights in some 120 countries, often opposing autocratic regimes.”

The Times makes no mention what exactly those “liberal causes” are or that they have included spending at least $400 Million to Manipulate Higher Education, plus at least half of a billion dollars underwriting other major liberal initiatives – “pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-gay marriage, pro-drug legalization, pro-union, pro-government-funded media and even attacks against the concept of free elections and voting for judges.”


Between 2000-2014, Soros had pumped $103,236,632 into media groups that circulate his liberal, anti-capitalist messages throughout the United States and abroad. Of that total, $61 million from Soros went to nine liberal media outlets in the United States which openly supported the same liberal agenda as 2016 Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton.

And while “Mr. Trump’s election and Brexit were the nadir of anti-globalism,” The Times suggested Soros is convinced that the “arc of history” may turn back his way, “that a backlash to that nationalism is coming.”