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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | December 20, 2007

     Six years ago, Joe Cameron survived more than two months on life support, racking up a bill of more than $1 million. He paid less than $2,000 out of his pocket, thanks to the health insurance he had through Medicare…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 19, 2007

     President Bush just signed an epic energy bill that will increase fuel efficiency standards in automobiles, increase biofuel requirements for gasoline, and phase out incandescent light bulbs. Two network newscasts couldn’…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 18, 2007

     Before you start getting some crazy idea about the holiday shopping season being on a positive track, tune into the network news for a reminder that the sales figures present an “ominous” sign.


Nathan Burchfiel | December 17, 2007

     The U.S. Congress looks poised to follow Australia and other allies in effectively banning traditional light bulbs. In a front-page story December 17, USA Today reporter Paul Davidson praised the provision of the energy…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 17, 2007

     In her “60 Minutes” interview with New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez Sunday, Katie Couric asked the third baseman about steroids in baseball, the home run record he is poised to break eventually, and his own upstaging…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 12, 2007

     The Hollywood Goes Green conference featured not only appearances by celebrities the caliber of Ed Begley Jr. and Larry Hagman, but also gave industry members the chance to see ways to lessen their own “carbon footprints…