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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | February 13, 2008

     Two scientific studies have suggested clearing land to produce biofuel ingredients will actually contribute more to “global warming” than simply sticking with fossil fuels. The shocking part is that someone in the media actually reported it…

Nathan Burchfiel | February 8, 2008

     The U.S. Congress on Thursday approved a $168-billion “economic stimulus” plan that will issue tax rebate checks to millions of taxpayers. The plan, which exceeded original expectations of $145 billion, provided the media…

Nathan Burchfiel | February 6, 2008

     There’s nothing like a compelling sob story to put a human face on economic reporting. Unfortunately, the tragic stories highlighted by the media to slam business and naysay the economy are often worst-case scenarios that gloss over…

Nathan Burchfiel | February 4, 2008

     Restaurants that serve unhealthy food – not the consumers who choose to eat it – are to blame for an obesity epidemic in the United States, according to Joy Behar, a co-host of ABC’s popular daytime talk show “The View.”


Nathan Burchfiel | January 31, 2008

     Being more environmentally “responsible” means being willing to pay more for basic goods, according to NBC “Today” show host Ann Curry.


     “What’s your best advice to me and…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 30, 2008

     Campaign promises are a rite of passage for presidential hopefuls. If you can promise enough people you’ll give them what they want, you just might have a chance at getting elected. But how much do these promises cost and how would we pay…