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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | January 18, 2008

     As President Bush and Congress hammer out a stimulus package to boost the slowing economy, “Today” show host Matt Lauer is working hard to ensure that the biggest contributors to the nation’s tax base won’t benefit.


Nathan Burchfiel | January 17, 2008

     In its continued sky-is-falling coverage of the economy and job market, ABC’s “Good Morning America” on January 17 warned that most Americans are fearing job cuts and offered helpful tips on how to “recession-proof” yourself.

Nathan Burchfiel | January 17, 2008

     CNBC host Jim Cramer chastised media colleagues on the January 17 “Today” show for contributing to fears about the economy by only reporting negative news about the possibility of a recession.

      “Today” anchor Matt Lauer told…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 16, 2008

     Recent polls of economists by leading financial publications have predicted a less than 50-percent chance that the U.S. economy will enter a recession in 2008. But the media’s coverage of “recession” makes it seem inevitable.

Nathan Burchfiel | January 9, 2008

     Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s caucus victory in Iowa last week came in part thanks to anti-IRS fiscal conservatives attracted to his support for the “FairTax.” He also finished with a better-than-expected showing in the New Hampshire…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 27, 2007

     Holiday retail sales were up in 2007 from 2006, but not enough for a media always looking for ways to downplay economic news.


     According to MasterCard SpendingPulse, retail…