Gabriela Pariseau
MRC Free Speech America Assistant Editor

Gabriela is an Assistant Editor Media Research Center's Free Speech America division. She is a graduate of Christendom College where she earned a B.A. in History. Gabriela has also contributed to The Catholic Register, The Catholic Herald, Students For Life of America and Iowa Right to Life.

Gabriela Pariseau | June 20, 2024

“Stand up,” “Be Honest, Be Brave, Protect women!” This was the message that TikTok decided was too “offensive” to remain on its platform.

XX-XY Athletics founder and CEO Jennifer Sey posted a screenshot of a TikTok censorship notice in an…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 20, 2024

President Joe Biden sits atop a censorship regime made up of federal agencies that has repeatedly pressured Big Tech social media companies to clamp down on those who express views in opposition to his own. 

The U.S. Supreme Court is…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 7, 2024

Google just escalated its censorship of PragerU when it banned the organization’s app from the Google Play store Friday. 

Google accused PragerU of being a purveyor of so-called “hate speech” reportedly due to its recent documentary…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 4, 2024

Google continues to bury former President Donald Trump’s campaign website after a Manhattan, New York jury came down with a guilty verdict in the dubious case filed by George Soros-backed prosecutor Alvin Bragg. 

MRC Free Speech…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 30, 2024

A bipartisan Texas Senate committee just unanimously voted to subpoena Big Tech companies and force them to answer for their election-interfering censorship efforts.

After a hearing that MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 28, 2024

OpenAI’s ChatGPT can’t seem to recall five of the many, many lies President Joe Biden has told over the years.

MRC researchers asked the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT on May 16 what the “top five biggest lies” that Biden and…