Autumn Johnson
Contributing Writer

Autumn is a practicing attorney licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia. When not working, Autumn enjoys reading, writing, playing video games, and spending time with her cats.

Autumn Johnson | October 11, 2023

Utah is taking the battle to the communist Chinese government-tied platform TikTok.

Utah filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against TikTok, alleging the company is “baiting” children into alleged addictive social media behavior.

“We will…

Autumn Johnson | October 5, 2023

Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) are inquiring about TikTok's reportedly shadowy hiring practices that appear to be ushering in Communist Party-tied executives.

In a letter sent to the company, the senators…

Autumn Johnson | October 2, 2023

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is rallying behind The Babylon Bee amidst its battle in court against government-mandated censorship.

ADF attorneys filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in…

Autumn Johnson | September 29, 2023

A new survey revealed that TikTok’s influence over Americans is only growing, thus increasing the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance of citizens. 

Indeed, the Her Campus Media survey revealed that the CCP--tied app is the top…

Autumn Johnson | September 26, 2023

A new poll from RealClear Opinion Research confirms what we already know: the majority of Democrats are fine with online censorship. In fact, they are the ones pushing for it.

The results of a recent RealClear Opinion poll were…

Autumn Johnson | September 20, 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is overriding Biden’s scandal-ridden Department of Justice and calling for FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Elvis Chan to testify on government-Big Tech collusion to censor.

Jordan, who chairs the House…