Web 2.0

NB Staff | July 26, 2021

Big Tech’s Online Freedom grade actually got worse in the second quarter of 2021, despite an appalling first quarter report card with a grade of “F.” Facebook led the plunge to yet another “F” for the industry intent on censoring conservative…

Kayla Sargent | July 7, 2021

Big Tech corporations have a notorious history of silencing conservatives on social media platforms, but their tyrannical practice of censoring opinions that they disagree with may come back to haunt them. Former President Donald Trump has…

Heather Moon | June 15, 2021

A new study used biased “fact-checkers” to determine what was “true” and claimed conservatives couldn’t tell the difference between factual and misleading news as well as liberals. 

The report had some obvious flaws. Many of the so-…

Alexander Hall | May 12, 2021

Instagram users looking to use made-up pronouns that sound like space aliens or magical creatures are in luck! The photo sharing platform rolled out a new function for users to switch to a wide variety of absurd gender pronouns.


Autumn Johnson | May 4, 2021

The Heritage Foundation has promised to no longer to accept financial support from Big Tech companies so long as the platforms suppress conservative viewpoints. 

Heritage previously rejected a $225,000 donation from Google and…

Heather Moon, Dan Gainor | April 21, 2021

By almost any measure, the first three months of 2021 were the worst ever for online freedom. Amazon, Twitter, Apple, Google, Facebook, YouTube and others proved to the world that the Big Tech censorship of conservatives is a reality. And they…

Heather Moon | March 16, 2021

A new study from a leftist group claims that Instagram uses its recommendations to promote “dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories.” But the study was vague about what that even means.

The study design was as biased as the group…

Kayla Sargent | March 12, 2021

Big Tech’s greatest hits have been some of their worst moments in censorship. House Republicans appeared eager to make sure Americans never forget.

In a hearing titled “Reviving Competition, Part 2: Saving the Free and Diverse Press,”…

Kayla Sargent | March 2, 2021

Iowa Republicans have decided to lay down the law against Big Tech censorship and have joined the growing list of state legislatures fighting against abuses by Big Tech.

Republican Iowa State Representatives Jon Jacobsen, Anne Osmundson,…

Kayla Sargent | February 24, 2021

The war against free speech has spilled over from Big Tech and has now begun to rage in traditional media forums. The left has now sought to target conservative media in a congressional hearing today, but House Republicans were not having it.…

Alexander Hall | February 19, 2021

Former President Donald Trump has reportedly been in talks with donors about his much anticipated return to social media.

After years of censorship, and with politicians refusing to solve it, Trump may once again take action where others…

Alexander Hall | February 15, 2021

The wildly popular free speech platform Parler has made a sudden return after being nuked from the internet by Amazon Web Services back in January.

“Parler, the world’s #1 free speech social media platform with over 20 million users, is…

Alexander Hall | February 10, 2021

Twitter has made it loud and clear via its company CFO: the platform will never allow former President Donald Trump back in the platform. 

Twitter chief financial officer (CFO) Ned Segal told CNBC's Squawk Box on Wednesday that…

Alexander Hall | January 14, 2021

The left have moved beyond simply censoring conservatives on Big Tech platforms. Now Big Tech leaders like Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker are calling for conservatives to be financially crippled.

“[U]se of the internet to foment violence and…

NB Staff | January 11, 2021

Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and more than 30 conservative leaders issued the following statement Monday calling for the breakup of Big Tech companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple after their sweeping acts of…

Alexander Hall | December 21, 2020

Big Tech has eviscerated free speech on social media. There have been at least 25 famous, well-documented examples of when Big Tech companies censored conservatives, allegedly by mistake since August 7. 2018. 

Conservatives ranging…

Alexander Hall | November 19, 2020

Twitter censored multiple conservative commentators shortly after they were retweeted by President Donald Trump.

Trump supporters being suspended without warning and condemning Twitter leadership via Parler may be a sign of the times. “…

Corinne Weaver | November 17, 2020

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) raked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the coals in Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“You’re the robber barons,” said Hawley to both Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. “…

Alexander Hall | November 17, 2020

On Tuesday, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) raked Facebook and Twitter over the coals at a hearing for having a history of “mistakes” that overwhelmingly appear to target conservatives.

Lee scorched Big Tech leaders at a hearing, entitled “…

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

In a hearing about Big Tech censorship, one Democrat called for more censorship against opinions and information he dislikes.

Democrat Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) condemned Trump’s “propaganda parrots” on Fox News and his fellow…