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Twitter censored multiple conservative commentators shortly after they were retweeted by President Donald Trump.

Trump supporters being suspended without warning and condemning Twitter leadership via Parler may be a sign of the times. “Twitter has suspended the accounts of journalist and videographer Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) and historical and conservative commentator going by ‘Stonewall Jackson’ (@1776Stonewall) days after they were retweeted by President Trump,” Reclaim The Net reported on Wednesday.

“Hernandez had over 122,000 followers and used her Twitter account to share her on-the-ground reporting,” Reclaim The Net summarized. She had reportedly been suspended shortly after Trump retweeted her video of Americans singing “The Star Spangled Banner” at the “Million MAGA March” earlier in November. After the suspension, Hernandez wrote on her Parler account: “Really feeling like a live in communist China right about now.” She later suggested: “Twitter is trying to steal this election and gaslight the entire country.” She allegedly received zero explanation from Twitter as to why she had been suspended.

The same article also alleged that an account named “Stonewall Jackson” with over 305,000 followers had been “sharing updates on President Trump’s post-election lawsuits, reports on coronavirus restrictions that are being introduced in various states across the US, and historical commentary.” Trump had reportedly retweeted and quote tweeted a few of Stonewall Jackson’s tweets, one of them regarding “Detroit Dominion IT worker describes exactly how poll workers inflated Biden vote tallies.”

The Stonewall Jackson account, like Hernandez’s, responded to the suspension on Parler by calling out Twitter’s leadership: “I had a feeling when the President retweeted me 4 times today that Twitter would come get me, and they did. I have no idea how long I'm suspended for, or even for what Tweet in particular. so fucking crazy.”

Twitter was contacted earlier today and still has not yet explained why these accounts were suspended.

Twitter’s censorship has become tyrannical and brazenly partisan in recent months.

Twitter was one of the Big Tech companies that made headlines for censoring a New York Post article. The shocking revelation released by the Post on Oct. 14, revealed purported emails from Biden’s son Hunter and reportedly exposed the alleged scandalous dealings of both father and son in the Russia-bordering state of Ukraine.

Twitter responded by disabling the link to the story, claiming: “Warning: this link may be unsafe.” Twitter then censored the Post, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, the Trump Campaign, and even the House Judiciary (a part of the United States government) for sharing the story.

Twitter later reversed course after backlash and unblocked the link. It also locked the Post out of its account for no less than 17 days. Twitter finally unlocked the Post’s account on Oct. 30.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Twitter: (415) 222-9670, Facebook, Twitter or mail to 1355 Market Street Suite 900 and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.