Wages & Prices

Joseph Vazquez | May 12, 2021

Déjà vu? That’s exactly what CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen said he was experiencing when it came to the nightmarish 1970s stagflation and the current state of the U.S. economy under President Joe Biden.

A new report on rising…

Joseph Vazquez | May 10, 2021

CNN recently had a rough day when it conceded realities that underscored why President Joe Biden’s stimulus monstrosity was proving to be a disaster for the economy.

CNN co-anchor Brianna Keilar admitted that a “debate erupted this week…

Joseph Vazquez | April 16, 2021

An asinine Bloomberg op-ed suggested that maybe it’s best if people who lost energy jobs under President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist agenda don’t get the new green jobs he falsely promised at all. 

Bloomberg Opinion Editor Mark…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows continued to suffer from a chronic condition of ignorance to news that could damage President Joe Biden’s agenda to hike taxes.

The Business Roundtable (BRT) released a survey April 12 headlined, “…

Joseph Vazquez | March 17, 2021

Economic adviser to late President Ronald Reagan Arthur Laffer joined Fox Business yesterday to dismantle the nutty economic thinking behind President Joe Biden’s leftist tax agenda.

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow asked Laffer if…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2021

Big Data Poll Director Richard Baris slammed a CNBC economic survey arguing that President Joe Biden won an initial approval rating that topped the first ratings of the last four presidents.

CNBC’s recent All-America Economic…

Joseph Vazquez | February 4, 2021

Three economists lambasted a New York Times op-ed claiming that the Democratic Party is better for the economy than the GOP. 

Times senior writer David Leonhardt’s main argument was that “The American economy has performed…

Joseph Vazquez | January 18, 2021

CBS News has become a propaganda arm for President-elect Joe Biden administration’s leftist economic plans to prop up his image. It threw more than 1 million workers under the bus to make Biden look good.

The outlet published an opinion…

Joseph Vazquez | December 9, 2020

Shark Tank star and businessman Kevin O’Leary ripped apart the draconian economic lockdowns states have inflicted on the American restaurant industry in response to the pandemic.

During the Dec. 7 edition of CNBC’s Squawk Box, co-host Joe…

Joseph Vazquez | December 1, 2020

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are trying to insulate former Vice President Joe Biden from bad news that could undermine confidence in his leftist economic agenda.

Small business confidence fell to an “all-time low” after…

Joseph Vazquez | November 4, 2020

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow joined Fox Business to warn Americans about the danger of another economic shutdown being imposed on the United States.

During the Election Day edition of Fox Business’s Varney & Co.,…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2020

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board just ripped apart the absurdity of “Bidenomics.” 

Hint: it most definitely is not “well grounded in mainstream economics” as New York Times economist Paul Krugman would have people…

Joseph Vazquez | October 7, 2020

Using biased banks to make the absurd claim that Wall Street is warming up to the idea of a “blue wave” in November is like using field mice to claim that the animal kingdom is warming up to the idea of a cheese festival.

This is…

Joseph Vazquez | October 6, 2020

You didn’t hear anything about the Tax Foundation decimating the economic credibility of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden the day of the first presidential debate. That’s because the Big Three evening news shows ignored it.

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2020

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman actually wasted column space to try to make a “very strong” case for “Bidenomics” following the brawl of a presidential debate September 29.

In a piece headlined, “The Very Strong Case for…

Joseph Vazquez | August 10, 2020

Good economic news is never bad enough for the liberal media.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released an impressive report on job growth in July. Specifically, “Total non-farm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July,…

Joseph Vazquez | August 5, 2020

President Donald Trump joined Fox Business host Lou Dobbs to slap back at the suggestion by some that the economy should be shut down again over the coronavirus.

The Lou Dobbs Tonight host told Trump via phone call Tuesday…

Joseph Vazquez | July 29, 2020

Fox Business host Charles Payne has had enough. He’s fed up with the anti-Trump media and their one-sided coverage of the stock market and economy. 

The Making Money with Charles Payne host hammered the liberal media…

Joseph Vazquez | July 1, 2020

ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s evening news shows continue to ignore great market news when it steams past their coronavirus panic and has even the slightest chance of making President Donald Trump’s economy look robust.

U.S. stocks “…

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2020

CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t appear to have done his due diligence. He committed a very bad gaffe last night by using pre-Trump era economic data to bash President Donald Trump’s economy.

Cuomo attacked Trump’s Director of the…