Wages & Prices

Joseph Vazquez | December 16, 2021

NBC’s evening news show had the gall to ignore a narrative-shattering statement on inflation by former “transitory” apologist and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell during its evening broadcast last night.

Powell stated during a press…

Joseph Vazquez | December 16, 2021

A tectonic shift in the world of economics has taken place: New York Times economist Paul Krugman finally admitted that his detractors on inflation were right all along.

The leftist economist surprisingly conceded in a new op-ed that…

Joseph Vazquez | December 14, 2021

The core indexes for U.S. inflation just continue to soar to the moon, while the media behave like apostles for President Joe Biden’s leftist economic agenda and spin bad news in his favor.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported at 8:30…

Joseph Vazquez | December 13, 2021

Following the Dec. 6 CNN report exposing President Joe Biden for trying to influence media to spin economic coverage to his favor, many have followed his demands and twisted the news of rising inflation.

Bloomberg News, CNN, New York…

Joseph Vazquez | December 10, 2021

CNN can’t help itself. The network actually spun news of Americans seeing the highest inflation in nearly 40 years as positive news in an attempt to benefit President Joe Biden.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a jaw-dropping…

Joseph Vazquez | December 9, 2021

Remember when NBC News senior business correspondent Stephanie Ruhle tried to claim Americans could afford inflation and were just bellyaching? Well, her company’s sister network doesn’t appear to agree.

Ruhle claimed during the Nov. 14…

Joseph Vazquez | November 24, 2021

The St. Louis Federal Reserve saw fit to patronize Americans about the inflated price tag of this year’s Thanksgiving dinners by telling them to just eat soy instead.

The St. Louis Fed published a blog Nov. 18 doing public relations for…

Joseph Vazquez | November 16, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman appears to have finally admitted defeat on the issue of inflation, adding another notch to his belt of being consistently wrong on economic issues.

In a shocking tweet, Krugman conceded: “I got…

Joseph Vazquez | November 12, 2021

The inflation crisis has gotten so bad that multiple liberal outlets are now admitting that it spells disaster for President Joe Biden’s economic agenda. 

CNBC published an eye-opening piece headlined, “Inflation has taken away all…

Joseph Vazquez | November 10, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows censored one of the most alarming inflation reports released this year. The liberal media networks’ protect-Biden saga continues unabated.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released another…

Joseph Vazquez | November 9, 2021

We’ve reached the point in America where leftist network MSNBC actually tried to hoodwink people into believing that the huge price spikes caused by inflation are a good thing.

MSNBC had the audacity to tweet out a nutty op-ed celebrating…

Joseph Vazquez | November 8, 2021

New York Times senior economics correspondent Neil Irwin twisted himself into a pretzel to protect the failing Biden administration's economic agenda again — this time suggesting American furor over the poor state of the economy is more about…

Joseph Vazquez | November 5, 2021

A New York Magazine writer tried to mock a family of 11 struggling with inflation because of their weekly purchase of 12 gallons of milk.

The mother of the big family, Krista Stotler said during a CNN interview that “‘A gallon of milk was…

Joseph Vazquez | October 26, 2021

The liberal media slobbered over how President Joe Biden could return the U.S. economy to glory. So far, their optimism has been a bad joke, and a new poll highlights just how badly they missed the mark. 

New York Times foreign…

Joseph Vazquez | October 23, 2021

Liberal Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey shocked the Twitterverse with a warning about impending hyperinflation in the world, and predicted it would soon hit the United States.

Dorsey, who oversees one of the largest offenders of Big Tech…

Joseph Vazquez | October 22, 2021

CNBC released a damning economic survey showing the majority of Americans disapproving of President Joe Biden’s economic performance, and its sister network chose not to cover it.

CNBC’s All-America Economic Survey of 800 Americans showed…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2021

Blame the American consumer! That’s the approach liberal outlet Axios used to explain away the atrocious labor shortages affecting the U.S. economy, and not President Joe Biden’s economic policies.

Axios published a snobbish piece…

Joseph Vazquez | October 18, 2021

Inflationary pressures on the U.S. economy are getting so bad that even The Washington Post acknowledged that media arguments banging the transitory drum are falling flat.

The Post economics correspondent Heather Long wrote a damning news…

Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2021

Does CNN host Chris Cuomo know what satire is? He actually suggested that New York Times economist Paul Krugman — whose wild predictions of an economic boom are falling flat — makes him more intelligent.

The left-wing anchor brought…

Joseph Vazquez | October 13, 2021

The leftist pundits in the media are twisting themselves silly trying to spin the terrible economic situation in an attempt to save President Joe Biden. A new Bloomberg Opinion op-ed actually tried to argue that high inflation is a good thing for…