Wages & Prices

Joseph Vazquez | July 26, 2022

The White House attempted to gaslight Americans by casting confusion over the meaning of a recession. But did it take its cues from a major publication funded by liberal billionaire George Soros? 

The White House Council of Economic…

Joseph Vazquez | July 21, 2022

The New York Times opinion section actually published a shocking project where eight of their columnists admitted they were wrong about either economics, tech, foreign affairs or politics. At the top of the list was none other than “…

Joseph Vazquez | July 18, 2022

The New York Times Magazine is getting in front of estimates that the U.S. GDP contracted again in the second quarter by slamming the country’s “obsession” with economic growth.

The Times Magazine published an asinine interview…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2022

Insufferable NeverTrumper Bill Kristol should know by now that putting dumb inflation hot takes on Twitter minutes before devastating economic news is released doesn’t return dividends.

Kristol tweeted at 8:00 a.m. a laundry list of…

Joseph Vazquez | July 6, 2022

CNN attempted to fool Americans into believing the reason the U.S. economy isn’t officially considered in a recession is because eight “white economists” didn’t say so. Confusingly, CNN also wrote that if leading economists do end up…

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2022

Clinton stooge Robert Reich has just as much of a sordid record in his coverage on the inflation crisis as leftist economist Paul Krugman.

The former Secretary of Labor tried to swat down any concerns that President Joe Biden’s gargantuan…

Joseph Vazquez | June 27, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman made another damning admission this past week about his sordid record analyzing economics as inflation continues to bite chunks out of Americans’ wallets.

Krugman conceded in a June 23 op-ed…

Joseph Vazquez | June 23, 2022

The Los Angeles Times singlehandedly proved that the liberal media will go to asinine lengths to protect President Joe Biden’s political image even if the economy tumbles into a recession.

The Times released a tone-deaf story that…

Joseph Vazquez | June 22, 2022

Bloomberg News appeared to join a growing chorus of liberal outlets rejecting President Joe Biden’s gaslighting on the severity of the American inflation crisis.

The headline for Bloomberg News’ Biden smackdown was right on the nose: “…

Joseph Vazquez | June 15, 2022

The Bloomberg Opinion Editorial Board had a bit of a red pill moment on how bad the inflation crisis actually is, but didn’t lay any blame at the feet of President Joe Biden and the Federal Reserve.

In an editorial headlined, “The Fed Has…

Joseph Vazquez | June 13, 2022

CNN is experiencing the “life comes at you fast” adage in real time as a poor government prediction it touted on skyrocketing gas prices came back to haunt the network.

CNN reporter Matt Egan published a Dec. 8 story with a foolish…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2022

Remember when The New York Times attempted to spin the 1970s stagflation crisis in order to protect former President Jimmy Carter’s political image before the 1980 elections? MRC Business does.

The newspaper published a 1979 propaganda…

Joseph Vazquez | June 8, 2022

The Washington Post desperately tried to protect President Joe Biden from the political fallout of a gas price spike that it pretended in 2020 wouldn’t happen under his leadership.

The Post’s liberal fact-checker Glenn Kessler once…

Joseph Vazquez | June 6, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman continued his downward spiral into parody by letting voters know he’s triggered over them blaming President Joe Biden for the inflation monster eating their wallets.

Krugman’s latest drivel…

Michael Chapman | May 18, 2022

Entrepreneur and business magnate Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, said the "obvious reason" for inflation in the United States is that the federal government printed way too much money that it did not have to stimulate the economy, which…

Joseph Vazquez | May 10, 2022

It’s the Roaring ‘20s once more. That’s what The New York Times claimed as high gas prices, 40-year record inflation and a border crisis dominate the lives of ordinary Americans. 

“For Tens of Millions of Americans, the Good Times…

Joseph Vazquez | March 29, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman seems to be a glutton for punishment to his already pathetic track record of atrocious economic predictions.

Krugman is back trying to gaslight Americans over the 40-year high inflation crisis — again…

Joseph Vazquez | March 15, 2022

Economist Lawrence Summers tore into President Joe Biden for redirecting the blame for America’s inflation crisis.

Summers, Obama’s former National Economic Council director, said Biden was flat-out “wrong” to blame inflation on…

Joseph Vazquez | March 10, 2022

CNBC’s on-air editor Rick Santelli has had it with the Biden administration’s gaslighting on the skyrocketing inflation plaguing the U.S. economy.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report March 10 showing that inflation shot up 7.…

Joseph Vazquez | March 10, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows buried a report showing that most Americans currently live paycheck to paycheck as the cost of living continues to skyrocket.

Fintech marketplace bank LendingClub released a report March 3, which…